I'm making an asymmetrical map set up for king of the hill, team slayer, oddball, one flag, and one bomb. I want to incorporate spawn areas so there won't be any spawn killing. Only problem is, i don't really know how to use them well and i need help placing them. So, How do you determine where to place spawn areas on your map?
if only some one with a name such as devinish made a coherent well though out tutorial on this mater...if only...
i looked at that and i had already learned that from bungie, but that tutorial just shows how it works, i doesn't give tips on where to put them to get the most out of them.
If you know how they work just think about it. Check which spawns are near 'hot-spots' on your map, and put the area over other spawns away from them. The best advice though is to test it. Place some, test the map, it they don't work out, move them, if they do, great! Good luck!
Exactly, when making a map, trial and error should come up a lot. Play it, find out what works where, not just it looks good there so it should play well. Trial and error, the way I live my life.
I'd agree with the previous suggestions about testing to make perfect, but I can give you a few tips. First and foremost, you don't have to cover all of your spawn points with respawn areas. You really just want to cover the areas that you think could lead to a quick spawn kill. The main thing to take into account is respawn areas are set boundaries for Bungie's "perceived danger" spawning system that Devinish and Furious D18 have previously talked about. So what your doing is telling the game, "okay, if there's a high threat level within this circle/square respawn area, look for another safer spot to spawn." Most maps will have hot spots for more action, no matter what you do. I'd start by placing some in those areas, and depending on your map layout and gametype, that usually starts with bases. But the key is testing and looking at the films from as many different viewpoints as you can, not just your own. You'll get the random from-behind kill when someone spawns, but there's really not much you can do about that. What you want to look for is players repeatedly respawning in one spot. Good players will learn from that and that's when you get into the spawn trap, which kills the fun in a map. If you start to see that, delete the spawn and reposition it in the general area it was before and test to see if it happens again. The spawning system is the hardest part of the game to get right; but when it is, boy does it make for some sweet games.