Well I'm making a map for casual games. Mainly Infection and VIP, and I am using tube pieces as well as tube corners at the bottom to spawn the attackers. All the spawn points for the attackers are in the tubes up above the tube corners which contain the weapons. My problem arises when I try to add a respawn area to the spawn points. when I do that the only tube I spawn in is the one with the carbine. I was wondering if anyone was experiencing the same problem or knows how to fix it. Thank you for reading all this and any comments are appreciated. Edit: Here are some pictures of my level: (ignore the crappy merging this was an old version) Over view First respawn area Second respawn area Third respawn area Fourth respawn area Fifth respawn area Carbine is the third from the left Left side spawn points Right side spawn points Carbine tube spawn points
I would like some more information. How many tubes would be nice to know. As well the amount of spawns in each tube. The other conflict is how big is your respawn area as well how random do you want the spawning to be? The context you give us only gives a problem in general text. IF you gave us more detail I'm sure either I can or someone on this site can help you. I'm also willing to jump in forge with you if so desired.(Gt G043r)
The solution? Don't have a rerspawn area. If they spawn in their own individual tubes, why do you need a respawn area? Just have respawn points to whatever team you need to spawn in there. If this doesn't work, inv me to your game(i'm on your friend's list anyways..)
ok well I have 10 tubes next to each other for each of the covenant classes and I set up the re-spawn areas in an effort to mimic firefight spawns using the spawn order mechanic. there are 4 spawn points in most tubes (some have 3 one has 2). Each area has at least one area around it some more. I was wondering if the carbine spawn was getting more influence from the spawn areas then the other tubes so I made a large area that encompassed all the spawns but you still always spawn there. I will try to get pics up soon to better show my problem thanks for the responses
During an actual game, more factors affect the spawn locations so it should be fine, a respawn area is also unnessecary because the spawn points can each be set to spawn only attackers or only defenders.
I was trying to change the attackers and defenders depending on the game and when I play a test match of it the attackers still spawn at the carbine every time. I also wanted to have spawn order work but if I can just get the area working that would be good.
Spawn order would need a different area for each set of spawn points so there is no need for randomness. To clarify what you are trying to do you might want to draw a diagram.
well I made a diagram: numbers are spawn area order, all spawn areas are set to attackers all respawn points are neutral. I tried this with only one large area over all points and I still have the same problem. The asterisk is where the attackers continually spawn for some reason.
That seems really odd. Do the people always spawn at the same spawn point or just in that tube. Either way you could delete the spawn point(s) where this is happening. One point may be glitched thus always spawning the player and could be replaced. I assume you have tried killing yourself to spawn otherwise there might be a start point placed there for some reason.
there's no start point but I'm not sure if its the same point or just the tube. I will try replacing the points in there and I'll see if that works. I've tried in forge on the correct game type and in custom games but I always get the same tube.
Also puting the spawn points on a flat surface can eleminate the "preferred spawn point problem." I have had this problem before, but I have no idea at this point how to fix it.
The only thing I can think of is to play an actual game on the map with the number of people you would normally have. The larger number of people will hopefully override the problem with the spawns. Otherwise I have no idea how to counter this problem. Sometimes the host will always spawn or start in the same place so having many people on Xbox live might counter this. (from the number of spawn points I assume this is BTB map)
Gopher and I came up with a solution thanks for the help guys The spawn points were chaining and giving the carbine spawn extra influence.