Just out of thought which of the resolution map pack is the best? They all look great but sadley I have only 3 spots and I choose to text out Backbone, Spillway, and Descent. But if there are better maps then them 3 in this map pack then ill download them instead (I downloaded this based on the reviews and pictures). In all good map pack! :squirrel_wink:
Well besides for the fact that it almost killed my computer trying to load all the screenshots, these maps look amazing. I cant imagine how long it took to make all of them and then make this post. I'll be sure to download them and try and give you some feedback once I check them out.
personally i think you have a bit too many pics, if you could cut down on the non-essential ones it would take far less time to scroll through and more people would read the entire post
All right I will cut down on the pics and thank you all for the comments. Oh and i'm not sure which ones are the best, but definatly spillway is a must have.
When I have time I will leave feedback on all your individual Bungie threads. That's how much I like these maps. But I'd say don't bother asking Bungie to remake your map. They won't do it. Best chance you'd have of getting Bungie to notice it is to maybe get featured here on Forge Hub. I know Bungie's keeping their eye on this site. Now you just got to get Truedark's attention and ask him to feature this, or however it is you get something featured here.
played them all team doubles slayer, all i can say is fantastic job. but I must agree with some of the other comments, spillway could use some more interlocking. and I didn't really like how each map had a rocket launcher and regret(i think) was full of Power weapons but, fantastic job. If you need any help on anything with this map you can count me in.
Thank you all for the great feedback. I'm remaking spillway soon. YAY. even better than before. Fix all the little things. Please leave comments here and on the individual forums of each map thanks.
I'm about finished with my own personal cleanup of Spillway. I flipped the bridges in the pipe upside down (I like em better that way) and interlocked them. I also interlocked the boxes with the walls beside the spillway so there's no gap there anymore. It's not perfect, but I might post some screens for you to check out. I'd also like to see what you're doing to remake spillway.
It's on my file share now, slot 20. I did some interlocking which scooted all the boxes toward the drain and away from the wall. That means that there is not a gap along the wall where players can fall down. I had to add a horizontal door so that players who fell down could jump back up. And I had to delete some scenery to make $ for the door. It isn't the best solution, but it works for now. This is the map I'll use for all the customs I play in Spillway. You're welcome to download it, re-save it so it says you as the author, and re-upload it.
Stolenpoo your maps definitely seem like quality, and your campaign map remakes have an almost acstetic (did I spell that wrong?) like quality to them. Very nice job, I'll try and test some of them out.
what would really bu funny is if you added a grav lift in the pit and made it a river... ... have teleporters at the end and keep pushing ... them threw...!.... LOL What Am i saying... holy crap that would be a great game type and keeps people from crossing the middle... (ps you can use this if you read this...)