Resolution map pack

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Stolenpoo, Jan 15, 2008.

  1. Stolenpoo

    Stolenpoo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Finally what you've all been waiting for, even if you didn't know it, is here. The "Resolution Map Pack". Me "Stolenpoo" and Ki Jason have been working on this map pack for a while now, and have just completed it. All the maps except one work for every gametype. They were specifically designed to look like Bungie made maps "not forged". Feel free to try your own gametypes on these maps, because they were made for design not specific gametypes. Enjoy!


    This is a map that has two sides devided by a large pipe. You can fall into the pipe, jump over it, or use walkways to run over it. There are tunnels in on each side that can be used as cover that contain weapons, power ups, and grenades. Around the top of the map is a catwalk that oversees the pipe. you can walk around the whole map using the catwalk, or go down for objectives and stronger weapons. Designed for every gametype.
    2-10 players.


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    Consisting of four buildings, one in each corner, that are devided by a large four way intersection. Mainly two floors to every building, small hallways, and secret passages. Each with a look into the street. This map makes great for ctf, assault, and slayer gametypes, but is designed for all.
    6-16 players.


    Coming soon


    Inspired by Midship from Halo 2, this map has two bases linked by a bridge. Each base has three floors and in between each base are many boxes that force people to stick to the sides. Even though things such as power ups and good weapons can be found in the middle, it is a better idea to have high ground. Designed for every gametype.
    2-14 players.


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    A close quarters map consisting of two main floors and two third floor high points. This map has many long narrow hallways and lots of close quarter weapons. There is not much to hide behind, but the fast pace of this map balances that out. Designed for all gametypes.
    2-8 players.


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    Inspired by the Halo 2 campaign level "Outskirts" this map has some features from the first part of the level. The other parts were designed to suit a multiplayer gamestyle since the map "in Halo 2" was designed for attacking in the career. Probably best on one sided gametypes, king of the hill, or slayer. There is a central base surrounded by roads and alleyways. Designed for all gametypes.
    4-12 players.


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    Lost to time, this temple's great walls bear the blood of war and history.
    4-14 players.


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    Please leave comments on the maps if you like them. If there is any problems with a map then leave a message in this forum or in the map's forum. Thank you.
  2. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Stolen, those look like some really nice maps. It's always nice when someone takes the time to set up a map for more than one gametype. The one suggestion I would make is to embed your images into your post. Embedding makes it easier for the community to view all your screenshots quickly, without having to click on each link one at a time.

    To do that, use this code:
    It comes out like this:
    [img width=800 height=600][/img]

    Typo. [/nitpicking]

    I'll at least check out one of these maps and I'll try to get back here with my comments.
  3. Stolenpoo

    Stolenpoo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    All right. thank you very much. I'm slowly fixing up the forum. I will also put a link to this website on all my maps because this is a great community.
  4. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok, these look like great maps. I got a chance to fly around in them in Forge, and I have a few comments. Just remember that I haven't played any games on these, I just looked at them.


    This map has a great layout. I love the symmetry of it, even though it isn't symmetrical. It does indeed look like something Bungie might make. I am definitely keeping this map on my hard drive until I can get some people into a game. It looks really fun. However, there are two things I'd like to point out.

    First, near the sniper there are several fusion coils placed in the corners, behind the signs. At first, I thought it was so people could shoot them through the fence portion of the sign to injure or kill a camping sniper. But when I tried shooting them I discovered that you cannot shoot through the fence portions of the signs. Did you know that? But I'm sure the fusion coils are still useful if you bounced a grenade back there.

    Second, there is a small gap between the drain and the floor next to it, on the bubble shield side. It isn't a really big deal because no one will fall down there, but grenades and bubble shields and stuff will, so it might cause a few headaches. I'm sure you know the interlocking technique, and that would have made it much nicer. Or you could just call it an emergency overflow drain and move on.

    Awesome map!


    Another map with a great layout. Players should be able to learn the basics of the map during their first game, but I suspect it might take another game or two to really learn the ins and outs of this map. And again, this is staying on my hard drive until I can play it. I love the way the overshield is tucked in that corner behind the debris. I almost missed it the first time. I did notice a fence wall next to the default permanent wall on Foundry that looks like it was put there only to keep people from escaping. Did you think I wouldn't notice? Anyway, good job keeping players where they're supposed to be.

    If I had anything negative to say about this map, it would be the weapon and equipment selection. I only saw BRs, Rockets, Snipers, Shotguns, and Turrets. What if I want to duel wield SMGs? Also, give me something besides 2 radar jammers. With this many BRs on the map, the power drain would be amazingly powerful. Then again, maybe that's why it isn't in the map. A flare would be cool, and you can almost never go wrong with a bubble shield.

    Awesome map!


    I didn't even read the post that said this was inspired by Midship, and I didn't notice it when I looked at the map, but I can see it now. I really like the layout of this map too. Again, this map is staying until I can play it. I like the way you use the mancannons in your maps. Ok, you have to tell me, where is the shotgun?

    If I had one negative thing to say about this map is that it took me a few tries to jump into the open box with the camo. No biggie.

    Awesome map!


    I'm getting tired of saying great map layout, but really it's the truth. I love the placement of the rockets and the surrounding map geometry. It's a risk to go down there for them because someone can toss the power drain down on you or at least a grenade or two. I love small maps for a small FFA Slayer game or Team Doubles. I think this map would be great. My stupid hard drive is getting filled up by your maps!

    I was about to say that my only concern about this map is that it has an overshield and a camo in such a small map, and that it might not be good, but then I remembered Guardian. So I guess I have nothing negative to say. Darn!

    Awesome map!


    Ok, this is only a pretty good map. They can't all be awesome. The layout looks fun. I did see some minor slants on a wall or two. I'm guessing this was the first one of the Resolution Map Pack that you made. By the way, I like the placement of the camo. It was the first thing I saw in the map, and at first I was like, "oh, look at this, this door isn't even straight, it's crooked, what a crappy map, oh wait, there's a camo in there, sweeeeeeeet."

    I couldn't tell how players were meant to reach the sniper rifle. As far as I can tell, it takes a grenade jump or a skilled jump off the default Foundry geometry to get up there. In my opinion, it should be easy for casual gamers to reach the power weapons. Did I miss a way up there?

    Good map.


    Not played yet. Download queue was full.


    To summarize for the illiterate people who don't want to read all that, download these maps! They each have great layouts and great weapon placements. I only noticed about two slanting walls in all the maps combined, and one was a Corner Wall. Those are a real pain to get straight.

    Stolen, I'm glad you joined us here and I can't wait to actually play these maps.
  5. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I haven't been let down by what the Furious one has liked so far; you managed to get yourself a good spokesman, Mr. 'poo. DL for sure.
  6. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Lol. There have been a lot of people joining and posting maps without reading the rules, browsing the boards, or anything. They make me want to gouge my eyes out, furiously. Stolen had a good post layout, loads of pics, correct grammar, and punctuation. That sort of thing is becoming less common, so I want to encourage it when I see it.
  7. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I hear that, good sir. I've been irritated as hell at the massive amounts of people who just straight up and post something in the first five seconds after their membership has been accepted. I even ranted about it in another post. I feel protective of this place even though I have nothing to do with it. I guess it's nice to find a site where intelligence congregates.


    It was a great post, and I love your name, Stolenpoo. I'm looking forward to playing your maps.
  8. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
    Senior Member

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    One way I've found to navigate this site quicker and go straight to the good stuff is to just look at Furious' recent posts. Since he's a damn good forger I'm pretty sure I'll like anything he likes, and he's always posting. How do you find the time man?

    So I've downloaded all of these. I'll post a reply in a day or two when I get time to check them all out.
  9. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Amen. Furious your behaviour on the forum reminds me of Lance to a ridiculous extent, before he had more time commitments. Your huge post is an inspiration and benefits our community so much. Thank you.

    I would say that in this case, embedding the screens would cause your post to be far too long Stolenpoo.. world endingly long.. so I'm content with how it is personally. Great post and from the reviews sounds like they're worth a look.
  10. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I must say my finger hurts from clicking all those links so for others sakes please embed those screenshots. This however is one of the beter map packs I've seen come out. All the maps are in complete and not one seems to be poorly done. I'd say my favorite is probably Spillway because its a design that I can't compare as similar to any other maps I've seen. Good work.
  11. Stolenpoo

    Stolenpoo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you all for the positive comments. I am contemplating wether to embed the photos "creating a really long post" or make a single link to an album for each. Any ideas on how to create an album somehow? Please get back to me if you do know how to create one because my finger gets tired from just looking at all the links "and I made them all". Thanks.
  12. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Photobucket has a feature to make a slideshow if you want to set it up that way. I've done it before on one of my maps and it's really simple.
  13. Raz Kenobi

    Raz Kenobi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow these maps are all great, I haven't seen a better forge map pack yet. Keep up the good work!
  14. Gavintaft433

    Gavintaft433 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah the maps look great embed pics plz? i cant dwnload them tho since i have too much on my file
  15. Stolenpoo

    Stolenpoo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Allright... I have finally embeded the pics. If the page took too long to load please leave a message.
  16. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow. I especially like Spillway, Outskirts, and Regret. The last two are IMO the best remakes of single-player campagin.
    Which leads me to the question: why are there no Halo 3 campaign remakes?
  17. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Lol, pics are up! Ugh, maybe I shouldn't have suggested embedding all those.

    Anyway, I got a chance to play Regret and it was pretty good, but not quite as good as the others. I especially liked how similar it was to the campaign level. It felt just like old times. I half expected to see a Phantom crash through the ceiling.

    Also, me and some friends played some games on your other maps. 5 person Slayer on Spillway, Crossroads, Descent, and Backbone. Also, I just listed them in order of most favorite to least, but that's not to say that they were not fun. Each game was a blast! But that could be because I wasted everyone!

    On Backbone, one of the players respawned out of the play area. He was behind the sniper area on the non-rockets side, where Foundry has those giant vehicle doorway things on the walls. You know, under the claw that gets in everyone's way. He respawned back there and wasted his grenades or something so we had to go kill him to get him out. I've heard of similar issues on other maps.

    Anyway, the maps are a lot of fun.
  18. Rmcski21

    Rmcski21 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Spillway looks awesome!

    If I like it i'll try your others.

    Nice Work.

    Rizzle C
  19. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I played all these last night except for Outskirts. I'll download that one now. Everybody loved the maps! Even one of my friends who's notoriously known for not liking anything that's not made by Bungie.

    My favorite definately is Spillway. That's a great map. It reminds me a little of a multiplayer map from Lost Planet. I only wish the spillway and other parts of the map were interlocked to make things smoother. There were a lot of times when you would get caught on something in the map. Oh, and my friend who only likes Bungie maps? He commented while playing this that if this map was made smooth and given lots of textures it would look like something Bungie made.

    But Crossroads, Descent, and Backbone are great too. The only annoying thing I experienced on these maps was trying to get the overshield/camo on Backbone. I don't know why, but those jumps are tricky. Not a major flaw or anything though.

    Great forging! I've kept all of these for my permanent list.
  20. Stolenpoo

    Stolenpoo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I want to start on a new map pack, but I am really picky so I want to remake this pack first and fix ALL the little picky things. I'm thinking of sending some messages to bungie to see if they can make spillway a new map in their next map pack. If I could get all of your help to download and comment on its forum then maybe bungie will agree.

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