Holy ****. As a long time Resident Evil fan, I've played every game under the franchise Capcom have released. I thought they went the wrong direction dropping zombies in 4 and 5, but I loved the new shooting mechanics. Anyway, Resident Evil 6 has been announced. None of that Operation Raccoon City bull, it's a real Resident Evil game. Resident Evil 6 reveal trailer - YouTube Zombies are back. We can shoot from Cover. Ashley isn't a *****. WE CAN MOVE AND SHOOT. The graphics look like sexy, and a whole lot more. I'm extremely excited. I thought it'd be years before we got another Main game.
Graphics aren't up to par. Lip syncing was kind eh, and I just want a RE that goes back to the first one. That would be awesome.
LEON! <3 It looks like they have changed a LOT of what RE is and turned it into something far more massive; I'd buy that.
1. Operation Raccoon City looks awesome. Suck it. 2. That isn't Ashley, it's Sherry Birkin grown up. 3. I think it looks awesome, but I'm mostly only interested in the Leon scenario. The Chris scenario looks like it's just gonna be more action-based crap like RE5. The third guy's scenario looks a lot like the Chris scenario. I wish they'd just remake the 2nd and 3rd games with the graphics, camera angle and shooting mechanics of RE5.
im strangely still more excited for Raccoon City. I will be purchasing Raccoon City day 1. Collectors edition was on sale on amazon a few days ago if anyone is interested.
I'm still excited, I just know what I want the most, and this isn't quite it. Luckily, I just re-purchased a gamecube so I can play the first 3 games again. <3
Four is good until about halfway through, but is better than Five throughout. The fifth installment is good for the first tenth of the game. Basically, buy the forth one, but I don't suggest buying the fifth.
Dear god, that looks awesome. 4 and 5 are great, I loved both of them, and I don't have any doubts that Capcom will deliver with 6. Gonna miss Sheva though, I enjoyed her...
They've been my favorite games since they came out when I was like... 10. The original 3 had a very slow horrific vibe to them and really required thought throughout the game. They were filled with tons of riddles and puzzles, and the overall story was a classic. That being said, I might be jaded and biased against the newer ones. I own all of them, and I can say 4 isn't a bad game. It's a pretty decent one actually, I just think the setting and story are weak, and the enemies (aside from the Regenerator, which feels more like an old style villian) are just uninteresting and not really threatening at all. If you were to pick any of them up, this would be the one I'd recommend. The controls and camera angles of the originals are way too frustrating if you've never played, and it'd probably cause you to dislike the games. The 5th game is just poorly planned in the story and setting. Half the enemies are just re-skinned versions of enemies you fought in RE4, and I couldn't get into the story, aside from halfway through when you find the origins of the virus that caused the first three games. Had they really explored that story and setting more, I could probably really say I love the game... but it details a very small portion of the game. They also heavily emphasize action in this game. Guns blazing all the time, roundhouse kicks to get enemies off of you, and even a motorcycle jump! lol Anyways, from a loooongtime fanatic, really just do yourself a favor and play RE4. It's like a halfway point that old fans and new fans can enjoy the most.
Apparently the Mercenary with Sherry is "supposed" to be Alex Wesker, he shares the same Needle injections to keep the Progenitor Virus stable that Albert also had to use. Alex Wesker also has the cure for death in his blood, creating immortality for his "father".
So we're playing a survivor horror game with Leon, an Action Shooter with Chris, and a Fighting Game with a super powered Wesker? Well, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and try it, but I don't have high hopes for the Chris part, and the Wesker bit doesn't quite convince me.
Yeah, it seems the survival lies with Leon and the Action is with Chris, Whilst the quick time is with Alex. You know there's two possibilities on the Merc to be honest, he might be HUNK as well, who may be immune to the virus. Although to me Alex makes more sense.
Resident Evil 6 Shambles Forwards, Now Out in October Jesus christ, I can't hold all this gaming news today. :/ Edit: Forgot video. Resident Evil 6 Captivate Trailer - 2012 - YouTube So, blonde chick is definitely sherry, and that unknown dude is Weskers son. Smooth. I am excite.