Intro: I finally finished my first creation on Halo reach which im truly proud of in which is worthy to post. It took me a while to finally get this baby posted, it took me the course of a few weeks just to get the mapfinished and the mechanics to work for it. Resident Evil 2 to is a recreation of the famous ps one game Resident Evil 2 which was created by the gaming company Capcom. I am a huge fan of the whole Resident evil series(except 5) in which i thought i should recreate one part out of the the series of games. So i recreated an area in resident evil 2 which seemed most promising and it was the very beginning of the game. Gameplay: The map itself is like any other standard infection map but the gameplay truly does seperated from any infection from what i have seen. I have implemented an mechanic for a succesful sequencial save haven game in which it acts like a campaign so you must move from point A to point B then C, etc... Weapons: DMR 3x Shotgun 2x magnum 5x AR 3x Mechanics and Gametype: The mechanics that i implemented in this map is truly remarkable because you can create an objective based infection and make it anyway u want but through multiple testings there has been only one problem with this mechanic is it can fail when there is a restablishment with the connection so everything resets so it can ruin the game entirely. Only due tio this problem it will ruin the game so its crucial to have a party that isnt having that many connection problems. Anyway what i did to create this mechanic is by using a land mine as a haven and make it explode on certain times another one will take its place making the safe haven move in chronologic order. The gametype is generally based on Safe haven. This makes the entire game work to the point where you must move, then camp, and then keep moving due to the fact if your not in the safe haven you are weak and vulnerable to attck. So staying in the safe haven guarantees survival. Here's A videoYouTube - Halo Reach Map Resident Evil 2 Story: The game is set in the Midwestern mountain community of Raccoon City, two months after the mansion incident of the first Resident Evil. Nearly all of the citizens have been turned into zombies by an outbreak of the T-virus, a new type of bio weaponery secretly developed by the pharmaceutical company Umbrella. Having just arrived in the city, Leon S. Kennedy, a rookie police officer on his first day in the local force, and Claire Redfield, a college student looking for her brother Chris, make their way to the Raccoon Police Department, seeking protection from the mutated population. There, they find out that most of the policemen have been killed already and that Chris has left the town some time ago to investigate the Umbrella headquarters in Europe. With no more motivation to stay, the two protagonists decide to split up to look for other survivors, and to flee from the city. In search of an escape route, Claire meets a little girl named Sherry who is on the run from an unknown creature, and Leon encounters Ada Wong who claims to be looking for her boyfriend John, an Umbrella researcher. Claire discovers that Umbrella bribed Raccoon City's police chief Brian Irons to cover up any evidence of the mansion incident for the purpose of masking the development of the new G-virus, an agent capable of turning a human into the ultimate bioweapon. The maniacal Irons is killed by one such G-virus mutant roaming the police department while Claire and Sherry escape through the sewers and are separated from each other. Splitting up from Leon, Ada runs into Sherry and picks up the golden pendant she lost. Further into the sewers, a middle-aged woman fires at Ada, but Leon dives in front of her and takes a shot himself. Ada follows the assassin who reveals herself to be Sherry's mother Annette, and the wife of William Birkin, the creator of the G-virus. In an attempt to protect his life's work from special agents sent by the Umbrella headquarters, he injected himself with the virus which turned him into the malformed creature that is now chasing Sherry. Annette recognizes her daughter's pendant, and a battle over it ensues during which she is thrown over a railing. Ada finds out that the golden locket contains a sample of the G-virus, and later returns to Leon, tending to his bullet wound. Meanwhile, Claire reunites with Sherry and discovers that Birkin has already implanted her with an embryo to produce offspring. The protagonists advance through an abandoned factory to Umbrella's secret underground research facility. Ada is heavily wounded by an attack from Birkin, and Leon explores the laboratory to find something to treat her wounds. He is interrupted by a psychotic Annette explaining to him that Ada's relationship with John was only a smokescreen to get information about Umbrella, and that she is really a spy sent by an unknown organization to retrieve the G-virus. Just as she is about to shoot Leon, a tyrant appears and she is forced to retreat. Ada shows up again and sacrifices herself to rescue Leon, confessing that she fell in love with him. Trying to escape with another sample of the G-virus, Annette is fatally wounded by her mutated husband, but manages to give Claire instructions on how to produce a vaccine for Sherry. After preparing the cure, Leon and Claire reunite at an emergency escape train and inject Sherry with the vaccine, saving her life. Birkin, now mutated into a massive blob, followed them but is eventually destroyed when the self-destruct system causes the train to explode. Ada is implied to have survived and to have made away with the G-virus in the pendant. Having escaped from the city with Sherry, Leon decides to take down Umbrella while Claire continues to search for her brother. Here's Some pictures: This is your spawn area you must move through the close quarter streets to escape the infected that will be on you any second so sprint is needed in this situation. If you notice to the left and top right above the Kendo Gun shop there is teleporters those are areas the zombies come out of so i suggest while going through this map you should be aware whats around you you may never know where the zombies can come from. The Kendo gun shop this area is one of the first places you should hold off or the zombies can swarm and kill you. This area is primarily is used to wait for the safe haven to move to the next area because if you out of the haven your a very easy target for the zombies. The alley way behind the gunshop leads to two significant areas one is the basketball court in which is your next destination to hold off and theres the warthog down the alleyway where there is a AR and magnum with a health pack ready for use. As you progress to this area of the alleyway i advise you to move quickly cause you never know if there's a zombie ready to drop on you.. As you move this city street you will notice that the safe haven has a small timer this indicates you better move fast and get to the RPD or other wise known as the Racoon Police Department. If you noticed the other picture of the actual game your inside a bus due to the insufficient funds and items i couldnt create bus but instead i replaced it with a standard building. This is the last area of the streets intill you reach the police station in which is you final destination if you reach this area which is very good get ready to defend for your life. Here you can notice the epic last stand of the few survivors left who are fighting for the last min. Ah the RPD finally made it now hopefully you can defend your position from the oncoming horde.. Last notes: I would like to thank everyone for helping me test and fix this map to the point where its officially done.
I have just watched the video and am going to say well done now. This map looks amazing and very detailed. The ways to counter humans as a zombie are implemented and the teamwork of the game seems like a crucial element to finishing it alive. This is exactly the infection games I love to play. It reminds me a lot of rifte's maps left 4 dead : no hope act 1 and 2. With the gameplay sifting in a linear path instead of camping in one particular spot. Without doubting rifte's talents your map looks a lot better in the form of ascetics and using the safe havens (I'm guessing) changes things instead of the wait for spawn mechanic. The only downside I can see from the video is that it is over very quickly but this should not effect the overall gameplay. I hope this wall of text helps out a bit more than the previous quick reply.
"Dont shoot!! Im a human" Being a huge resident evil fan i will give this a download!! but i will call bull ****.. you cant say you liked the whole series except 5, because RE survivor 1 & 2, and RE gaiden were horrible!! Not even going to start with the cell phone games.. but i still own them all!! ill let you know what i think after i check it out!
Omg I love that corny quote but i didnt think survivor 1/2 were that bad for there generation. I generally liked the fact they tried implementing a first person shooter but only thing i wasnt keen on was the infinite ammo but i loved the tyrants Mr. X and Hypnos. Gaiden was ok for the gameboy i didnt mind it to such an extent but i do like the fact it introduces barry's story and what happens to him after the mansion incident. I will definately agree on the cell phone games those disapointed me. I hated missions especially like really pointless. When it comes to the main series i liked them all except for 5, but overall my fav resident evil games were 1,2, outbreak, and survivor.
Seeing as I too am a huge fan of resident evil, I too will Download This. I was originally looking for rifte's No Hope: act 1 and 2, and hoping there was an act 3 out, when I saw "Resident Evil: 2" and said, "I gotta see this!" I remember trying to recreate a part of Resident Evil 4 on Foundry in Halo 3, but that was an epic fail unfortunately. As for the Map, it looks fantastic. Can't wait to find a party of 16 to play this with! Thanks for your contribution to an already great game series!