Reservoir Created by Royalll Supported Gametypes: Custom Infection Variant - Outbreak Weapon List: Magnum x1 @ 10s w/1 clip Magnum x2 @ 20s w/1 clip Battle Rifle x1 @ 10s w/1 clip Shotgun x1 @ 60s w/1 clip Frag Grenade x1 @ 10s Plasma Grenade x1 @ 10s Firebomb Grenade x1 @ 20s Deployable Cover x1 @ 20s Flare x1 @ 45s Radar Jammer x1 @ 60s Outbreak Settings: Initial zombie count: 50% Zombie kill points: 1 Infection points: 2 Last man standing bonus: 2 Zombie traits: 50% resistance, normal shields, 125% speed, 200% gravity, enhanced radar Last man traits: Infinite ammo, forced color: white Base player traits: Normal shields & resistance, primary weapon: magnum, grenade count: none, no radar, forced color: black Number of rounds: 4 Time limit: 4 minutes Recommended players: 6-12 Scenery Effects Gloomy Effect: Yes Pen & Ink Effect: Yes (Activates halfway through the round to create a hallucination effect.) Theme: The U.N.S.C has issued a quarantine on this remote water supply facility due to the recent flood outbreak, and you're still inside. You and your comrades have crash landed on this desolate wasteland and supplies are limited. Your primary objective is to clear the area of the infection, while staying alive and keeping your sanity at the same time. There are firearms and equipment scattered throughout the facility, but they've been hidden by the deceased workers as a last resort in case of an emergency. Gear up soldier, you're in the hot zone. Description: Greetings fellow forgers. As you can see I'm new to the ForgeHub community, and this is my first attempt at a casual paced map. I've been throwing around ideas for a fun and innovative infection map variant for a while, and I noticed that not many members had created infection maps, or any other map, on Ghost Town. So I went with it and along the way I got inspiration from movies like "Blindness", and "Quarantine". Using all these wonderful inspirations, I created "Reservoir". I wanted to create a map that kept your senses heightened, and a game variant that put you on the edge of your seat, all while having fun on both sides. Ghost Town is a difficult map to forge on in my opinion, just because of the fact that there are very few flat spots in the map geometry. Therefore, it took me a while to get everything straightened away, but I finally finished it. I give you...Reservoir Enjoy! _________________________________________________ Human Wall Spawn Shotgun Ramp Magnum Stairwell Water Main Hall Flooded Basement Hot Zone Drop-off Containment Barrier Containment Ramp Attic Ground Zero The Pit Zombie Spawn _________________________________________________ Download Reservoir Download Outbreak
The map looks good but it's hard to tell with the FX on. Gloomy is good but I'd recommend not taking pictures with FX on because it's hard to see. I'll give it 4/5 but there's still some gameplay that I have to see. Looks good. But remember what I said.
Ah, I had a feeling the FX would be an issue in the screenshots. Thank you for the constructive criticism. I forgot to mention in case you dont like the "hallucination" effect when the pen&ink effect comes into play halfway I hid the FX orbs in the small pit near the default shotgun spawn.
I see that my jurassic Park map with the flooded basement, has inspired you to do the same. That is sooo Kawaii, any ways the map looks good, but listen to Hitman not using the Fx is a smart thing to do. Some corners in ghost town with that effect, can be very dark. I recommend you don't use it, but the map look's pretty good. A tad bit small? A bit more photos would be nice, I'll download and see how it works out.
You're absolutely right, your map was one of the many inspirations I had when I forged Reservoir, although the replication of the basement was not at all intentional. I'll take some more screenshots today w/o the FX on, hopefully this is all the criticism I'll receive for it. I recommend playing with 6 or more people, thanks for the dl!
hey i would suggest changing the name of your map to something else because resevoir is already a map on foundry. I know the name fits the map but there are other names you could use. Now to the map, the map looks really good, you took your time on it and it has paid off. This map is one of the best ghost town maps i have seen in a long time.
Thanks for the positive input. I'm glad you see the work I've put into this map. As for the name, it came down to either "Quarantine" or "Reservoir", and seeing as both of those names have already been used once each, I didn't see a problem in naming mine "Reservoir". Thanks again for the constructive criticism.
Wow, for a first map(?), this is really clean. The FX combined give the zombies a disadvantage, though, because they can't hide in a corner and attck humans because of the glow from their energy swords. More screenshots would be nice, too. Try using the Gloomy and Pen & Ink FX together, instead. Or maybe the Colourblind and Nova FX to create a real hallucenatey feeling!
Thank you for the compliment, but this isn't my first attempt at a map. Rather, my first posted map on a website dedicated solely to forging. However, had you fully read my initial post, you would've realized I've already implemented the Pen&Ink FX halfway through the rounds (approximately 120 seconds into each 4 minute round). Thank you for your comment regardless! Please spread this map to your friends, although it may not look like much aesthetically I promise the gameplay is more than rewarding! Thanks!
Now I know I'm not supposed to bump my own thread, but I feel my map deserves some more attention. I'm currently working on a v2 with improved spawns, alternate FX and a few aesthetic upgrades. I hope this map gets more attention. I'm thinking about changing the gametype to an alpha-zombie variant where hordes of base zombies swarm the humans and the only way the round ends is when the alpha zombie is eliminated. So kind of like a fat-kid zombie variant, but different. Suggestions?
Hey your map looks really insane for Infection. It's on my DL list and I'm gonna try it out when I got my 360 back soon. Also the Outbreak gametype link brings you to the map...