Research Facility The map was designed for team swat/team slayer. The map is not finished but I'v decided to just go on and release it. You have permission to edit as you please, but give me credit for the overall design. contacting me too is recommended. Just watch the video below. (13 hours for sony vegas10 to render) A Halo Reach Map- Reaserch Facility - YouTube please comment guys...
I think the map is good as it is, although someone could add gametypes like CTF and KOTH. The map somehow reminds me of the last part of Sierra117 from H3 XD. Looks very ashtetic. Now I'm onto some gameplay testing and I'll tell you what I think.
ty. also i'm almost done with a big team battle map, called highwaters. (that was the map in the video preview. It's much updated with tons of new items and buildings. I just finished it's first test today, and i had good feedback. I'll post a updated preview for it soon.
I have to say grif your forging skills are definitely getting better. Only thing I saw in this map is the middle might be a little bit too open. There were also some big sight lines in those tunnels. maybe add some crates in there. Other then that I didn't see anything else. Of course I can't really make any big judgements because I have not played the map yet. Looking forward to High waters. Hopefully those spawns will work