
Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by JRG1980, Sep 18, 2012.

  1. JRG1980

    JRG1980 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Jump team, this is control:

    You've reached the drop point for the installation, there has been a serious outbreak and there are confirmed infections. The installation team have called in a clean up crew and you are it! - get down to the ground crew and assist. Automatic lock down is T minus 3 minutes, when you get the green light get everyone out of there, the evac zone is situated in the valley, DON'T LET IT GET OVERRUN. Those birds are your only route to safety.

    There are some high profile personnel down there jump team so don't screw this up, I want everyone out alive.


    Rocket Launcher
    Sniper Rifle
    Magnum X2
    Jetpack X4

    Mongoose X4​

    Drop Zone:​

    Entry point:​

    Ground team location (last known):​

    Back door (opens after lock down):​

    Evac zone:​

    Good luck Jump team. Out.

    Rescue is an infection map designed for the forgehub competition. Its now ready for testing before I submit. After 180 seconds the 1st phase is over and its an open map from there, but as a human you are chased in vehicles and forced to abandon them for the 3rd and final phase where the zombies can tele-port to you if you've managed to fend them off this far, there is no starting ability so its up to the jump team to make sure everyone is accounted for before moving on. The accompanying gametype is 3 rounds of 8 minutes so that everyone gets a shot at being human and zombie. Some of the normal infection have been tweaked to ensure a balanced game.













  2. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    How far is it from the back door, to the very end? This looks quite nice, but i have noticed some things.

    - 3 rounds, of 8 minutes, my question to you is, is that an good time and have you tested it that way?
    - I like the idea of dropping down, but u used jetpacks, it is an pretty free roam map, the humans could go anywhere with the jetpacks right? (Or is it straight forward, so an linear infection? They have to actually follow the path? *
    - * Wich leads me to my last noticing, the brace larges look kinda weird viewed in that angle (12th picture)

    Oh and i am kind of interested, in wich competition are you going to enter it in? It looks interesting yes, but despite all those pictures i just cant get an picture of the gameplay of the map.
  3. JRG1980

    JRG1980 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hi friend, the maps here to be tested before submission to the linear infection contest, four super soldiers jet pack down bringing some much needed firepower to the other humans they are forced to keep to the path by soft kill boundaries, once inside they're trapped until the 3 minutes lapse and the map spawns its key fetures that allow humans and zombies to progress, after that the race is on and with the speed of the zombie plus the waypoint on the humans I doubt they will manage to get to safety without following the map route, but that's what the testings all about, I did a couple of runthroughs with a friend and found the timing to be about right to enjoy the match, but if in needs shortening I will do it, I just wanted players to turn and shoot along the way and even cover the vunerable teammates there are a few fallback points for the humans to rack up the kills, I hope these will be utilized. I'm testing for playability, framerate, and hide points. The brace larges were used as walls due to the length but the full budget is spent, I wanted the cave to look spectacular and more entwined, I could achieve this by scaling back the facility in phase 1.
  4. fpsQUADRAsnipar

    fpsQUADRAsnipar Promethean

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    The open map idea for infected looks really good (soft kill boundaries, gotcha) and having a dynamic gameplay makes it that much better. Have you ever thought of making an enclosed, sealed off infection map, but with the same dynamic story-like gameplay? Where barriers are released after a certain time to continue to the next objective kind of idea? If you do, I would be anxious to see it!
  5. Robius5991

    Robius5991 Promethean

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    Very cool idea for your map. Although I have haven't seen tons of linear infection maps, I would say that this looks pretty original. My only problem with your post, and its purely a personnal thing, is that I wish you showed what the "super soldiers" were jumping off of. Is it a platform? Is it a ship? I would really like to know, lol. Anyways, other than that, cool presentation of your map. I like its concept.

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