Rescue Peach on Donkey Kong

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by boosteyyy, Oct 18, 2010.

  1. boosteyyy

    boosteyyy Forerunner

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    Rescue Peach V2 on Donkey Kong V2

    Rescue Peach v2 on Donkey Kong v2
    "It's total chaos!"​

    - Supports up to 16 players now!
    - Fixed lag problem, now there's no more lag caused by debris falling down anymore, while still maintaining the hard challenge of getting up the hill!
    - Removed Jetpack loadout
    - Made walls at spawn higher, so you can't ramp-evade up on them.
    - Speed and jump height increased, this makes the game sleightly more complete-able ;)


    Hi everyone,
    You may remember this one from the old Halo 3 days. Yes, I remade it in Halo Reach.
    Everyone spawns at the bottom of a big-ass hill. The goal of this game is to be the first to reach the top of the hill. But that's not simple, because a lot of trash is coming downwards, splattering everybody in it's way. So be careful!

    I added a few extra's to this version of the Halo 3 map "Donkey Kong". Now, everyone has armor abilities (Sprint/Evade/Armor Lock) and these can come in hande quite a few times in the game. Also, I added a spawn chamber with a window, so if you just want to lay back and watch your friends getting splattered, you can do so.


    Scoring is also included and working. The first spartan to pick up the ball and score one point, wins the round. 10 rounds in a game. At the end, the spartan with the most points wins.

    So, I hope you'll all have fun playing this map!
    {Time spent building map: 3,5 Hours}

    Have fun and stay clean!
    DuTcH BoosTeY

    Again, here are the links:
    Map: Donkey Kong v2
    Gametype: Rescue Peach v2

    #1 boosteyyy, Oct 18, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2010
  2. ObamasButcheeks

    ObamasButcheeks Forerunner

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    Finally donkey kong remade on halo reach thank you it looks good besides the fact that its a little thinner than the halo 3 version but besides that it looks awesome
  3. Jolan

    Jolan Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The map is immensely laggy and the inclusion of unlimited Armor Ability allows the player to jet pack up onto the side wall and skip the whole thing. The Jet Pack should be completely removed and less debris.
  4. CagedDepravity

    CagedDepravity Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Played this a couple times last night; once with a group of 3 and again with 12-14. It is definitely a fun map/game type combo.

    Jolan mentioned the couple issues our group noticed as well: there are definitely some framerate issues created by the sheer amount of explosions and debris, and jetpacking to the top of the wall allows the debris field to be completely bypassed.
  5. boosteyyy

    boosteyyy Forerunner

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    Okay, i'll fix those in the next version ;)
  6. blanktester

    blanktester Forerunner

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    they covered the problems i was going to mention. i made a few modifications to the gametype by speeding up all players a bit (like, 125% speed) and setting gravity to 75%, and i found that the game felt more competitive without losing any of the difficulty. just a thought. otherwise, this map rocks.
  7. boosteyyy

    boosteyyy Forerunner

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    I'll definetly try that out and maybe add it to the second version! I'll try to fix the problems and so this weekend, so the map and gametype should be version 2 this sunday evening ;) Thanks for the tips everybody!

    Edited by merge:

    I'll also make the map compatible with 16 players instead of with 8 :)

    Edited by merge:

    [25/10/10] UPDATED TO V2.0 Changelist is in the minigame description above! Have fun!
    #7 boosteyyy, Oct 25, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2010

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