Created by Cornlord Map Description Rerun is built for 4v4 slayer. FFA hold up decently as well. I wanted to keep this map extremely close and fast-paced while still giving a few longer sight-lines for the DMR fans out there. Rerun's footprint is L-shaped and is actually fairly small. It has multiple levels to help spread the action out a bit. On the top level, there are mid-ranged sight-lines for DMR battles. On the mid and lower levels the action is closer. There is also a central building where a lot of the fighting seems to migrate. Initial spawns are on the top level. One-way teleporters are located in each base. The receiving node is on the bottom level. There is also a grav-lift on each base that both point to the same platform. This gets the kill'n started as fast as possible. I wanted to make it easy for players to immediately get to where they want to go, no matter the level. Weapons 4x DMR 2x Needle rifle 2x Plasma pistol 1x Shotgun 1x Hammer-time 1x Concussion rifle 1x Needler 2x sticky spawn points The very top of the map, viewing the concussion rifle and each base on the sides. Red Base. Note the teleporter and grav lift Blue Base is a mirror of Red.
looks good. only problem i have are the steep inclines. i hate use those. i would replace that with something that flows better
Do you have suggestions? I would like to keep the multi-level design. I feel like changing that would significantly change the map itself. Not sure how to keep the levels while removing ramps.