
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by SSP xHavokx, Jan 5, 2009.



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  1. SSP xHavokx

    SSP xHavokx Ancient
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    Before I get started, I'd like to say this is my first post on, though I've been browsing as a guest for over 6 months. The reason I posted this map was because I felt that recently, there have been no new, original, maps posted. I get all my ideas from other maps on this site. Yes, I know how to interlock, geomerge, etc. All I ask is that you don't judge my map by my status on this site. Thanks.

    This map, Requisition, has taken me roughly 6 hours to make. I spent half the time cleaning it all up. I have not had a chance to test it out yet, and if you'd like to help me test this or any other map out, or if you're looking for someone to test your maps, please send SSP xHavokx a friends request and I'll gladly accept.

    Download link: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    Back story:
    I have been wanting to create an asymetric map for some time now, but could never get past planning. (I draw out my ideas on graph paper) I had been glancing at maps over the weekend when i grew to the liking of the "Column wall" kind of design. So I started planning. Then I thought of the "Stair wall" and I just kind of rolled from there. I strived for two major goals on this map. I wanted to create a map with a "room" kind of feel without the quality of the map going bad and I wanted to create a map that you couldn't shoot someone across the map in. I feel like I succeeded in both of those.

    Map Layout:

    The basic layout of the map is simple. There are four 'rooms' in this map and the shooting style ranges from upclose combat to medium-long distance fighting. Each room has a different yet similar style. The other big thing I tried to hit on was that the higher up you go, the less cover you have. I also feel like I succeeded in this goal.

    Room 1:

    [​IMG] - In this picture you can see the high bunker with cover and the few double boxes laying around. Your point of view is someone just starting the game.

    Room one is where, in one flag, the offensive team spawns. I had them starting there mainly because it is sort of bunkered in with only one way in and multiple ways out and I don't like encouraging camping. This room consists of a few double boxes and the only high place with cover. There are no power weapons in this room, only two battle rifles.

    Room 2:
    [​IMG]- In this picture you can see part of the column walls providing most of the cover and blocking your line of site. The point of view is standing on the single boxes in the corner.

    Room two is the 'room' right outside of room 1. It houses the best spot to snipe/br in my opinion as on the mess of single boxes geomerged into the ground, has the best view of the entire map. You can see well into rooms 3 and 4 and also peek slightly into room 1. Also in this room is the start of the fence wall ladder looking thing. This room encourages medium range fights. It holds two plasma grenades and a carbine.

    Room 3:
    [​IMG] - This photo shows the middle structure where a mauler normally spawns (in symmetric game types only), the sniper spawn is on the right of the picture (symmetric game types only), and rest of the fence wall ladder. What it doesn't show is the bunker in the lower left hand corner.

    This room is clearly the most claustrophobic room, but it is one of the most tactical rooms as well. There is plenty of cover in this room, assuming you're on the ground. And you have a clear view of room 2 and anyone coming out of 1. There is a bunker in the lower left hand corner of the screen that you can't see. It houses a plasma pistol. The top fence wall holds two grenades.

    Room 4:

    [​IMG] - This is a corner view of room four. You can see the stair wall on the left, the bridge bunker on the top, and the flag spawn/starting point on the right (the double box).

    [​IMG] - This picture shows a better view of the Stair wall. The only atainable power up is the camo (asymetric)/overshielf (symmetric) at the bottom. You can also see that the crane is blocked as well.

    [​IMG] - This is a picture just showing the entrance to room 1 and the single box tower in the corner.

    This room is the most open room by far, promoting medium-long range fights. You can only see one other room from any point in this room though. By placing the column wall in a strategetic place, I made sure that from the top over the stair wall (where the sniper spawns in both symmetries) that you could not see the entrance to room 1 (where the attackers spawn) thus leveling the playing field even further. The bridge bunker holds only a battle rifle and two grenades and is a prime spot for stopping the capture. * Please remember that the only atainable power up is at the bottom. The others are merely for aesthetics.*

    Equipment- Item/symmetry/quantity/spare clips/spawn rate

    Active Camo/Asym/1/--/90
    Battle Rifle/Both/4/1/30
    Plasma Pistol/1/--/30
    Plasma Grenade/Both/6/--/10
    Frag Grenade/Both/2/--/10

    Tips -
    Get low and stay there.
    Get one of the two power weapons.
    Control a room.
    Use the walls/pillars to your advantage.
    Don't camp.

    Thanks for taking the time to look at my map. I would like constructive criticism rather than a short 10 word post. I realize that I'm not the best forger, and some if not all of my merges are crooked. If you have any pointers for me other than that, pm me or send me a friends request. If you need some help forging, send me a friends request and i'll try to help you.

    If you missed it

    Download link: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
  2. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    your map is great for a rokiee a few pointers though

    1 this map is great but i would put more cover on the ground
    2 put more of an eviroment into the map like cones barlles
    3 keep up the good work you did everthing right on posting this map


    edit first post lol
  3. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    guy above me. you spelled rookie wrong.

    yeah, good post, lie he said, more cover, especially in room 2. and more barrels etc. for detail
    i recommend geomerged open boxes for cover. but then again i also lack status on FH so you might not want to listen to all of my advice o_0
  4. xOWNAGE27x

    xOWNAGE27x Ancient
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    Very nice first map,you posted everything right,which most first posters dont,and the map is good.Good layout and unique structures,Could use some more cover on the ground and like the first guy said put more barrels and cones.Overall great map.
  5. A Dark Mountain

    A Dark Mountain Ancient
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    This an absolute great map and I really like the wall with the built in power ups but the one problem I have with it is that it is too open. but overall i give it a 4.5/5
  6. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
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    Well, for your first post and first posted map, its great. Ill give you that. But first off you need more cover. Second, its pretty boring. Its composed mainly of only flat square surfaces. You need to give it flare and shape. I would take away all the power ups. To many can be a bad thing. But for it being your first posted map, good job.

    Even though you say you know how to geomerge, I didn't see a whole lot in the map. Also, don't say other peoples maps are unoriginal when your barely known and you don't have a lot of feedback on your own map.
  7. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    This is a good map for your first post, but the map is incredibly open. It looks like you should still have a bunch of more objects left. I would forge some more structures or add some cover at ground level, because the map has barely any cover. As the map is now, 3.5/5.
  8. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    An amazing map post for a new member. Great job!

    On ForgeHub, there is a Testers Guild. Check there if you ever need a map tested or want to help test by joining.

    On to the map:

    For the most part the map looks very tidy. The looks on the map are rather good. I especially like the interlocked power ups. The only problem is that there are a few places where you could have interlocked or geo-merged, but don't worry about that because it will no affect gameplay.

    The layout looks pretty good. One of problems I have is it looks a bit open and looks like the fighting would be based too much on the ground. Whatever you do, do NOT add cover. You should never add cover, but geometry. Your map is cover. When I say geometry, I mean add on to the map, like structures. This is what you should add structures with more elevation, unless you prefer not having elevation. I have not played this map, so, i truly do not know if it is too open. Another issue I would like to address is jumps. You have many in your map. Use as a general rule, more ramps than jumps. Some would go as far as saying no jumps. Take Guardian for example. This map is full of ramps and has very few strategic jumps. Again, I have not played this map, so, i truly do not know if jumps will work in your map. They might.

    Overall looks like a nice map. I hope what I said helps. Remember, alll of it was based on viewing the images.

    One more thing.

    Welcome to ForgeHub! It is good to see an intelligent human being here that takes time to make a nice map. If you need anything, just ask me.
  9. SSP xHavokx

    SSP xHavokx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm not sure if I'm allowed to reply to posts or not...but Whats a scope said it best. I really try not to use anything other than scenery to make I'll try to to make a v2.

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