Ive currently adopted a map from Black Theorem and i am requiring help for the gametype The Map is a symmetrical Slayer type map with a lot of view points but the amazement comes from the beautiful aesthetic made by Black Theorem, The game type is Neutral Bomb but with a twist, the bomb will be in the huge *"Scarab Body" where the two teams must fight over BUT have to return it no they're own base!im having trouble though getting the bomb plants to work as they always appear at the wrong place,i also need to get a waypoint over the bomb plant like on Grifball. My gamer tag is ShugHeed, i will be on tomorrow early morning as i want to debut the map on Monday, so please help as soon as possible would be taking with great gratitude and i will mention you're name on the Thread.
Are you saying they appear in the middle level of Sandbox? If so, try changing the gametype to Neutral Assault, and don't sell the planting spots instead pick them up and carry them up to the Sky Bubble and put them where you want them to be. If you're saying that they switch with the other side, change the one that's attackers to defenders and defenders to attackers. The waypoint is in the gametype rules. I'm not sure where it is but if you give me the gametype I will find it and then put it in my File Share which you can then download and then save it so it will be yours. Hope this helped.