I've been working around the clock finding the required items to build it; but here it is. The Requiem space tether. If you dont know what a space tether is click here. It was a project of mine in Reach with which I thought went well but could use some improvements. Well without further procrastination here's some pics of my newest project still in the works. The bird's eye view: Tether: Command building: Comm Building: Vehicle maintenance bay: Well that's all of the photos I got. They dont do it justice. As always thanks and PLEASE comment.
That looks hectic! You know what would be funny though, is if you a had dangerous section of the tether where you could fall in, and if you did, you get shot up really quickly and then hit a killzone and die. A combination of trait zones and man cannons could make an effective launcher.
Nice job on the tether! Really looks like one, albeit unfinished due to it's height. Is it purely aesthetic or does it have a purpose (for example, launcher as Cryppy stated) too? At a first glance at the overview screenshots, the layout looks a little boring. One large floor with a building in every corner and the tether in the center. That could use some improvement.
i love levels built around some cool new mechanics or innovative idea... so this could really shape up to be great. as others have said, the box with several buildings could use some rearrangement and less than blocky atmosphere to it. The buildings themselves look pretty good, but the layout of them is what I think people are commenting on. Maybe consider taking out the large c-walls in favor of allowing the battle to spill over the edge? Maybe round battle area instead of rectangular? Then make some sort of smaller barrier to let people know where the edges are, and soft kills right at the edge to let someone know that going any further = death. That's my preferred method. Can't wait to see more.
This reminds me of the broken tether from halo 3s campaign, just because its a tether though. It could add some more structures to your map if you mad broken tether pieces in the dance floor. Maybe even some pieces that fall from the sky later in the gameplay if you got really crazy about it. Looks really cool though keep up the good work!