Request for feedback on my YouTube show

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AstoriaNate, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. AstoriaNate

    AstoriaNate Promethean

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    What's up, fellow FHers?

    I want to get the word out and get more feedback on my first YouTube show. The analytics on YouTube are fascinating but they don't tell me what people really think. The initial response has been great! Very supportive, and a handful of people have subscribed, and none of them are my Mom. Nothing to brag about, but an encouraging start.

    My second episode is in the works, so I'd love to know what people want more of and what I could leave out. Was the first too long? (5 min seems long to me, but I don't know if i can fit everything into a 2 min video) I know the audio sucked for the guest, hopefully i got that fixed. When i feature a map you'll see more of that map than I showed of my racetrack in the first episode. The first show was mainly my introduction to all of you.

    The goal here is to be FUN! Just a fun show for anyone wanting some Forge porn while stuck at work, procrastinating at school, or in traffic (i don't care if you use your phone while driving as long as I get another view).

    Stay frosty,
    #1 AstoriaNate, Mar 13, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2013

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