Reqrelim Created by: Capton Furgler Description: Reqrelim is a symmetrical map that plays 6-10 players. The bases have a castle feel to them. The idea for the middle structure came from the warlock middle structure. It plays well and flows even better. This is one of my far most best maps. There are no spawning issues and quoted "This has a really great flow to it, it also has a great gameplay." Gametypes supported: Team Slayer CTF Assault KoTH Territories Weapon list: Assault Rifle Battle Rifle Sniper Rifle SMG Needler Brute Shot Carbine Mauler Vehicles: Mongoose Equipment: Plasma granade Spike granade Bubble shield Grav lift Regenerator Overshield Pictures: Base (remember both bases are the same) Base other side Middle Sniper tower/side base cover area between middle and sniper tower/side base Action shots: Thanks for AZN FTW and his parties for help testing and Lightsout party last night for giving me that final small adjustments and also testing it. And special thanks to G043R for being in my party and pointing out a few things that I could change. And thanks to anyone else who has helped. DOWNLOAD HERE
this being a symmetrical map would be perfect for SWAT! Although KoTH and CTF and classic slayer are a good gametype for this too. Good job on each of the bases and my personal favorite in the weird tower thing in the middle made with small corners and block angled's. Good job 5/5
Thanks Remii for the comment. Like I said on my post this is my far most best map that I have every created. It is that way for two reasons. One I took a lot of time to make this map and made everything perfect. Two I tested the crap out of this map almost literally. Anything that was wronge is out. And I hope you enjoy it!