Statue of Liberty V2 :sick:Help wanted:sick:Heres the LINK to the original. as you can tell, ppl are saying its sloppy and junk like that. so im making a bunch of NY maps and ive decided to make a V2. i have NEVER had any help or assistance in any of my maps. so im kind of desperate. If youd like to help id REALLLLLLY appreciate it! my GT is SoLo92. you can also PM me. Changes 1. The crown. My idea is to use reciever nodes instead of splasers. 2. More detailed face. I got may complaints in V1. ive already pretty much worked this out. but there could be something better 3. In oerder to have the new crown, the head is going to have to be about where the body currently is because the teleporters can only go so high. 4. Ive lowered the platform to the thicker line. so the body can wont be restricted as much by the top of foundry. PM or XBL message me if your interested in helping. i only need help on making the statue. Dont comment telling me to do it on standoff or alavance or whatever . no stand off cuz it doesnt have good items and no ava. cuz i dont want the different colored boxes. Thx for taking the time to read my post. I hope to get feed back. once again GT= SoLo92 thx :happy:
On the base of the statue (her skirt, to clarify), whats a scope is right; use bridges. It's more difficult to get the alignment just right, but bridges will just give it a better aesthetic feel overall. I'd also say to try figuring out a way to float movable objects for the arms instead of boxes, and to try using custom power-ups as the flames on the torch. It's obviously not going to be to scale, but if you want it to be a serious aesthetic map, you've got to make it look a lot closer than that, and there's only one thing that's going to help you get there: a lot more time and effort put into it. Honestly, though, I'd consider making it on Avalanche instead, if only because you have more vertical room to work with, which will enable you to make it closer to its actual size. In either case, good luck. ^_^
ive tried with bridges and it actually looks kinda wierd cuz the head is a single box so its like a tiny body with a huge head. thx tho. keep the comments coming. NO AVALANCHE!