Repression OMG. Basically, I had the entire thread written up for this map, and then my computer froze and forgot all of the data. D: I'll just post a map preview tonight instead, to summarise. Repression is a 4-12 player map, suited for both team and ffa games. The preffered gametypes are Slayer, Oddball and KOTH, but the map also works for Assault, Stockpile, Headhunter and Territories. CTF is pants. Power weapons include the Sniper, Hammer and a no-clip Rocket Launcher. There's also occasionally a Shotgun, as well as a Concussion Rifle. Everyone I've tested this with (for almost a month, I might add) has said that this plays a lot like Construct, which I'm flattered by. I'll let the screenshots do the rest of the talking now. :3 Watch this space for the full thread tomorrow!
I remember playing this a while back. Stockpile deffinetly plays differently on this map, but it's still fun. I wasn't playing super competetively at the time so I wasn't really taking notice of balance and such but I did have alot of fun. I'll be waiting for this one
I thought you already had a preview of this...? But anywways, I really like this map. Its definitely best for team slayer, but works quite well for stockpile and other modes. Jet pack is awesome on here. I don't really have any other feedback that I didnt tell you over XBL. EDIT: That's my body in the lower left corner of screenshot 6. LOL