hey buddy, theres a much easier way to post screenshots now. go to Halo Screen Shots and find your gamertag then just copy the image code in, but this only works for screenshots, not edited pics. anyway this map is pretty tight, liking the base spawns. 3.5/5 needs a bit of a tidy up
Hey, I found your profile on bungie.net. Here's the link to your map variant: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=71622603 just paste that into your post and you're sorted *Edit* windows id is basically just your e-mail account and contains information about you and is quite useful in linking multiple accounts which use that e-mail (your gamertag + bungie account, for example)
wow, im really glad that you managed to get everything working cuz this is a great looking map i played it with my friends and they all agreed that this map looks great and plays ok. id say 4/5 great job
Hey man here to help. 1) go to bungie.net and find your gamertag (use the people finder under comunity tab) 2) click on it then go to your file share 3) click on your map to get to it's specific file 4) copy the URL and return here 5) type the name of your map 6) highlight the text and click the planet picture above 7) paste the URL and press ok YOU DONT NEED BUNGIE ACCOUNT AT ALL Hope this helps By the way I'll give your map a 4.5/5 you did a great job for your fist post PS: Check out my map below if you have time thnx
Canadians360, it seems that you've been advertising your new map Cluster on quite a few different posts, including this one. to name a few. Now, I'm not trying to be an arse and I know you're not deliberately/obviously advertising your map by posting direct links to it, etc. but I feel it kind of detracts from the person's map on whose post you write "plz check out my map if you have time". I've seen Cluster and I think it's a really good map, and it's already got quite a few views so does it really need more advertising after so many people have said they liked it?
This map is really good. You are right, the aesthetics are grand, the gameplay seems solid, and you obviously spent time on its construction, revision and placement. Great job, 9.8/10
Thank you all for your generous responses...ive put alot of time in creating this map so im glad you all enjoyed it!
Hey again, What exactly do you mean when you say link your map from bungie to forgehub. Do you mean putting a link to this thread on forgehub onto your map variant forum on bungie.net ?
never mind i figured out what i needed to no thnx anyway..check my new maps Harvest and Discovery there realy nice.