Replicator Map A smaller type map made for 2-10 players and plays good with custom game variant below. Game It's basically team sword duels, with 1000% damage resistance and 0% shield recharge. Now for a basic overview of the map and then action shots/map view. Game Stats
Nice interlocking, more screenshots would be helpful, as i dont see the point of this map really. 3/5
well its supposed to be asymmetrical sword duels if you read the description and i have found it that people think its fun.
Map looks pretty cool, basic and made well. I love the multi level bridge feel. I dont see any problems forgewise, but IMO that game type seems as far away from competetive as possible.
I think this would be fun for sword duels. Just because it isn't asymetrical doesn't mean it won't play well. Maybe it would be fun for just plain sword matches?
this looks very interesting in the layout and design, but theres absolutely NOTHING to give it any character or interest to the eye. you could do so much to make this map just jump off the screen... fence wall railings, powerups in the walls, receiver node designs... almost anything. i highly suggest you take that into account. playability seems very stable, and it looks like swords would be very fun on it.
thanks im thinking about releasing a v2 for free for all slayer and all that other stuff like you said
well its nice if you make a map for swords but is still playable on slayer so I think you still did a great job. The only thing im owrried about is this judging by all the obdies (rofl) it looks like it just takes place in the center besides those 2 thing this map looks very very well constructed for swords the diffrent levels look great so im going to have to give this map a 8.5/10
would definitly be fun with the right people but i do like the way the map looks looks fun with a shotty snipe game ____________________________________ i am the king my maps: Check Out Mosh Pit Click Here ....updated version of mosh pit coming soon....
Looks well-forged, maybe a tad off in a few spots but that's okay. One thing I noticed is that in your 4th pic, there's a hole in the wall. Is it meant to be like that? I wouldn't assume so, as this looks like an enclosed map.
Its definataly an interesting sword map because if someones above and below you can jump them and thats cool!
Ooh, pretty I really like the flowing feel I get from the pictures, and the gametype sounds entertaining too. Hope you don't mind that I'll only be downloading the Map. Can't afford the space the gametype would take up *curses Bungie* Looking forward to v2