This is a map that me and XLMS Trilogy made a while ago. Due to budget glitching problems, and just plain boredom, it never really got finished, it was all jeten 94's fault for messing up the budget glitch. I have finished it now, and totally redone the spawns. It can hold up to 5v5 one sided CTF, but best works for 4v4 One Side CTF. I have played a few slayer games on it, and it usually works with carbine starts. (crazy right??) Anyway, I just wanted to get this cleared off my hardrive, especially with sandbox on the way,(for most of us anyway, STAFF) NOTE: SCREENSHOTS HAVE BEEN REPLACED. DL LINK NOW AVALIABLE SOZ TO EVERYONE The Wall The Pillar Of Destruction (Also with Attackers Base) Sniper Circle Thing Meeting Place Ramps Man Cannon (As Nicknamed by Solo92) Another Look at Meeting Place (Notice Camo, and the Mongoose was replaced with a ghost) Attackers Base And The Thing I Forgot Last Time DL Link
The map looks pretty open but I can understand that you just wanted to finish it up before sandbox. I am the same way. Edit: BLEH BLEH BLEH read post, Im sorry I would appreciate a picture of the map with all of the objects though so that I can see how it flows.
Did you even read the post? Obviously not. He said he deleted objects so you could get a better view of the main structures. Other than that the map looks great. Some interlockinz and other stuff. My only suggestion would be to just Geo Merge the wall at the back base into the ground. (Picture 5)
I really thought that you never would have posted this and just deleted it from your hard drive. (the map woludnt have made it without thebudget glitch) But we'll have to get a game going on it soon so I can get the feel of the re-done spawns/re-spawns.
Looks like a good map, and in some places it does look rushed, but everyone seems to be clearing out for Sandbox. Your merging is supreme though, and interlocking is great. I might download and give it a go. Recommended players for any FFA? Great Job. Keep Forging.
wait, y would u delete parts of the map when ur posting pics of it. i want to see the whole thing. this is false advertising i say! false! and wuts the point of those shield doors?
Hey the map looks good but where is the download link? Im just wondering where it is beacuse i dont see it.....
There are two different pictures of the same part on the map, that are different? On the 4th picture from the top, the backs rooms are blocked off? But on the second last picture, there is a big cross Diagnal Box? Maybe explain whats happening here?
Alright guys, I will get updated pics, and a DL, but right now Im at my grandparents house. I was in a rush to post, but I will make sure it looks good in about an hour. Soz everyone.
I wouldnt say it was too open. Anyways, you have a very simple forging style. nothing too unique here or t here, so in order to really stand out, try to make it new asthetically wise and by gameplay.
This map is WAYYY to open...JK..looks like a fun map with great CTF potential, but would like to hear about how slayer plays because my favorite gametype is slayer. I also would like to see an overview pic, and likes how you deleated objects for a better screenshot view.
Bit confused on that back base structure... Is that blocking off wall only there during certain gametypes? Note: Don't delete objects from your map when taking screens, it makes it look open, and we don't know what the actual map looks like now with all your other objects not being there. However, if deleting them was vital in showing your map, then disregard this. =D
I didn't notice any weapons on the map so if there are any will you plz say also don't post in a hurry we can wait and another thing plz make a link i will actually give this a try if there are guns if no then plz at guns
i think i helped alot i like that piller in the last pic i ungeomerged it like 5 times after lms made it over all 83.89% its too open but has great merges
i really like the diagonal geomerging with the double boxes in the second pic, if you ask me, you should have built the entire map around that structure because its just so amazing. also, some of your screenshots are the tab version, u might want to check the links u used for pics 1 and 4
the map looks very nice. i like some parts of it, and then others are just ok. i dont like the random double box going through the air. but i really like the walled walkway. i think the map would be a fun map to play on but it looks very open.
i like it! people say its too open but i dont think that at all! if you look maps like covenopilus, then you know why i hate cramped maps. covenopules has just a whole bunch of crap everywhere and is really stupid
This looks pretty good. I like the diagonal box pillar. It does look a tad open in a few places but I don't think it will matter much. The layout looks okay-ish. Kinda unoriginal but it's hard to get original these days. The back base looks good but you could of geomerged that one wall ramp. It overall looks pretty good. 4/5 and worth a DL
Thanks for all the comments everyone! To aceofspades, it really looks open, but it isn't. Thats just because of the way I took the pictures. I wanted to get each and every structure into its own light. And Michmaster, what random floating Double Box?