WIP: Work in progress. I've been making this map for about a 4 days now on and off. I think it is coming along quite well and so do others.... But I am stuck. I don't know really what to do with the red and blue bases. It is going to be CTF, if that helps and has to be symmetrical. If you have any ideas post em here. I'll give you the WIP pics. Side Base 1 ^ Side Base 2 ^ Middle of hill-type thing (warthog crossing, but they may also go over the hill.) ^ THE PARTS I AM STUCK ON... Not sure what to do with red base... ...or the blue base. Any help you can provide will be much appreciated.
add a lot of cover, geomerged signs and crap. a central catwalk structure would be cool, and make the bases more building like and bigger, with an outpost garage