Should Forgehub have a rep system at all. I mean i have received some rep for real reasons and some rep for weird reasons. So should there even be a rep system which could be corrupted by hate?
Rep IHMO is much better then post count. Post count promotes spamming, where as rep promotes quality posts, if you make a bunch of bad posts, you get neg rep, make a bunch of good ones, get pos rep. The rep system is fine, and should stay in place.
I think it's a good idea. It kind of deters people from spamming and making stupid posts. You actually need to think of the consequences of your post.
Rep is here to stay. Get used to it. If you don't like how it works, simply ignore it. Your rep doesn't determine anything. And it isn't always corrupted by hate. For example, I hate you, but I'm not going to neg rep you.
I agree. I don't see the point of neg repping someone because you don't like them, or their forging isnt all that great. I'm not gunna say any more, because ill probably 1. Get flammed 2. See the banhammer.
Lol. Well to clarify, I don't really hate him but I hate these whiny threads about rep. And I think that anyone who posts about rep cares too much about what other people think of them.
Exactly, posts like this belong in the customer service thread. But since this is an old complaint that has been dealt with many times before, it doesn't really deserve a new post at all. Reasons for the rep systems existence have been given before, so please search before posting. And, as Furious said, there really is no reason to complain about rep. The rep system has no effects outside of itself, if you hate it so much then you are free to ignore it. Obviously the ideal situation would be one where everyone took it seriously and it was a definitive system for determining the most valuable members, and the site does try to encourage meaningful rep as much as possible and discourage spiteful rep. But the good thing about the system is that it doesn't affect any other aspect of your user experience, so that you don't suffer when there are problems. I've personally never had problems with the rep system, the rare spiteful or unfair rep I have seen came from neg rep members, and so had no effect. From what I have seen, if you try not to be provocative then no one who's rep counts will have a problem with you. Obviously I can't speak for anyone but myself, and I'm not denying there are problem users, but don't see nearly enough of a problem to warrant concern (as far as neg rep goes anyway....) Lock anyone?
Locked. Like Tex and, a few other members said this is a matter of opinion. Not material for a good debate.