Rep Crazy: A FH Rant

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Murdock Sampson, Aug 11, 2008.

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  1. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    Rep Crazy

    **Note:** Original post was in a blog. Moved so more people could get to see it. If this is the wrong forum, someone please move it. I really don't care if I get flamed or in trouble for posting this. I'm saying things that need to be said.

    I would agree with the fact that there is has been necessary precautions taken on the rep system, such as rep disabling and the ability to see who has given you rep. And all of this is great. But really there is still a lot of abuse.

    And its not so much the -repping as it is the +repping.

    People are giving out kudos for no reason. And that's not how kudos works.

    I was going over my latest recieved rep, and out of all 10 or 12 or w/e only 3 of them were actually deserved.

    Now look at the top 30. I'm actually in there, and I don't do ANYTHING. Seriously. Other than testers guild and the occasional valuable input into a general chat conversation, I do nothing. And I still have more than people like Mallet, Turbo Gerbil, and Sarge. That's ridiculous. Every one of them I admire more than myself by 100x.

    If you look at the people on the top 30, you'll also noice certain things. I agree that people like Tex, Nemi, Insane, TDF, Yavi and others are well known people who are generally liked. People tend to agree with their comments and like them, and so will plus rep them.

    But honestly, how many of those people are there for no real reason? I know I'm one of those people. I've gotten +rep'd for reasons none other than being me. And that isn't really worth much.

    I think you should +rep someone for the following reasons (just a vague run-through):

    Map Forums: Perhaps if the map creator has done an exceptional job, or if you see someone has made a comment that gives feedback which stands above all others.

    General Chat: Made an exceptionally outstanding point. Even if it doesn't agree with your views.

    Off topic: Witty/hilarious comment that stands out, or something that's really helpful/great.

    IN GENERAL: Helpful comments that stand out. Funny comments that stand out. Good presentation of views that stand out. If it's good and it stands out.

    WHAT TO NOT REP (quick guide):
    *Rep whoring
    *They're your friend
    *Because you can't rep someone for a while so you're repping randomly
    *Someone else told you to
    *You like something they said earlier that you already repped them for

    I'm not going to lie to you and tell you I don't care about my rep. I was looking at my rep compared to others when I realised how ridiculous it is. I really like it when I'm in User CP waiting for my subscribed forums to say someone posted in off topic, and see out of the corner of my eye that someone plus repped me. When it says "great job on your post it..." and goes on about why they think it was good, that makes me happy. But from now on, when I see something stupid it'll just make me sick.

    I'd like to propose a sytem that works like currency. Giving to someone else costs you. This will stop people from giving away their points for no reason. Mods and staff could possibly not have a limit on how much they had, because they would be less likely to abuse. New users couldn't give away till a limited time/post count to keep people from starting several accounts and boosting themselves. Just an idea. If you think it's stupid don't even bother criticising.

    Rep is something that should be earned. Not just thrown around. Now that people have higher posts and rep, its being thrown around more and more.

    Well now I'm just rambling on. I just think the current rep stands are ridiculous.

    Thanks for reading my rant and hopefully you'll take something from it.


    Original Blog (says pretty much the same thing)
    Draw the Line, redearth, KB and 2 others like this.
  2. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I agree with you Murdock, pointless rep kinda puts a dimmer on earned rep. It is nice to enjoy the rep you feel well deserved of getting, but I can take rep in a few different ways. You are obviously known or liked in some way to get the rep, and thus have a high reputation. You left some good suggestions though.
  3. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    It's funny to me that after that whole "whoring scandal" and everyone's rep points were docked...
    there was like a day of downtime, and then everyone's rep skyrocketed up to like 4 or 5 bars in the span of about one week...
    which to me means the whoring issue was never solved.

    but i dont think it should be removed or altered, i think people should just stop giving so much attention to it. its fun to have, who cares if people abuse it.
  4. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    Thanks. I agree that people who have a high reputation should have high rep (anyone confused?) but i think that the way they should earned the rep is through helpful or outstanding comments. not just simply being liked.

    I agree with pretty much everything you just said there.

    I also don't think it should be altered or removed either. I think it should be something used sparingly. The only reason I care is that its abuse is somewhat bothersome, since it shows how the community views that member. i think it should just be a matter of people watching themselves and how they rep...
  5. EZappa

    EZappa Ancient
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    I defenitely agree with you. Giving someone rep just because their post "made them happy" takes away from it's glory. People need to think before they dish it out. I beleive that your currency system would work quite well, but a question- what exactly would the system "cost" the rep-giver?

    EDIT: However, I realize that, like Recon armor, good rep is really nothing more than a few pixels in a digital world- and I certainly don't think anyone should obsess too much over a few pixels -_-'.
    #5 EZappa, Aug 11, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2008
  6. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    Well ( @ OP )

    if you dont care and dont think it should be altered, then you're basically just complaining about it... so why make the thread in the first place? everyone already knows its a bunch of BS.

  7. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    Well thats very true :). but i just thought everyone should kno my view point, so just maybe someone might actually rethink the way they do it. and that one person rethinking the way they do makes it just that much better.
  8. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    You have more rep than me? This is a travesty.

    Several of the highest repped people seem rather fishy, certainly not the order I would have imagined.
  9. Zerosun

    Zerosun Ancient
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    i agree. Rep whoring is bad. +rep
  10. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Yes totally agreed! Did the PM I sent you inspire this to write you lol? The whole time I was reading this I wanted to scream "PREACH IT BROTHER!!!!" Great article type thingy... If you don't mind I am going to +rep you =p
  11. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    yeah mallet i really admire you and youre freaking awesome. and yet i have more rep than you. which is stupid. the point i'm trying to make.

    thanks, but its not just about rep whoring. and i'm not looking for rep for this. i'm just expressing my views, and the views of the many who agree with me.
  12. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    3 things. One, I never get rep anyway, I don't really care. Two, [quote[ New users couldn't give away till a limited time/post count to keep people from starting several accounts and boosting themselves. [/quote] new users cant add rep untill 20 posts, but maybe increase it to 30 or 50. And last, great rant, it's the least evil I've ever seen.
  13. KB

    KB Ancient
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    I agree with redearth on the part that some of us never get it so who cares? Another thing that I am wondering is that I don't know why people care about it so much because it really is just a bunch of pixels.... It doesn't give you any advantages as far as I know...
  14. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    Well i think that a lot of people shouldn't get it as much as they do, and so should a few get it more.

    The reason why it matters to me is for a few seperate reasons.

    1. It shows the status of the member in comparison to others. And some members don't deserve their rep compared to the guy next to them.

    2. It shows appreciation.

    3. Its really just a fun little game. But how fun is it to play a game when the rules are being abused?
  15. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    I want my rep disabled because there is no point in it. Can I do that myself or would I need a mod to do that?
  16. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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  17. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    The problem with that system is that some people won't give rep at all then, they'd rather keep it all to themselves. It would pretty much create the opposite effect of what we have now. I think we have to deal with it as it is.

    For the most part the system works, you can tell which people are truly helpful and which members are a menace. Its only between these two areas that its hard to distinguish who is and who isn't deserving. And if rep cannot determine that, then a person's behavior should clear the matter up.

    If the rep really bothers someone that much, ignore it and judge people based solely on their behavior. It worked before rep was introduced, so why shouldn't it work now?
    squidhands likes this.
  18. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    i think the solution to your problem is to disable your rep Murdock.
  19. KB

    KB Ancient
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    If you disable rep can you still recieve it? I know that soundsd like a dumb question but can you recieve it although it doesn't appear to others? I really would like rep but since its so abused and only sent to certain people I don't see the point in it anymore
  20. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Lolz. I just good repped you for this thread.
    I definitely agree with the idea of noobs not getting rights to rep right away. All, and i mean ALL of my negative rep, is from noobs, who I gave constructive criticism, or were totally flaming other users. It's like all my rep that I deserve, is totally weighed out by my spam rep, and "rep backers". It also seems like every moderator has more than one bar of rep, just because, well, of who they are. I see moderators all the time, and only once or twice have I seen them post something that was actually worth good rep, and it was because of something funny they said. It's not like every five seconds they're putting somebody in their place, or saying something funny, even though it may happen more often because some like nemi post a lot. I agree with every thing you said, and trust me i do get a lot of rep myself, and I'm guessing because I'm not feared or loved like moderators, I get a lot of bad rep I do not deserve. Maybe rep should be limited to so many times a day, and for the more posts you have, the more you get to rep. Thanks for posting the thread.

    Edit: I really wanted to go gung ho on my 500th post. I was looking for the right thread to do it on, and really I think I did.
    #20 ZANDER1994, Aug 11, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2008
    Murdock Sampson and DRiSCOLL like this.
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