A hill is all that seperates the opposition. Forged by TEETMARE and Vincent Torre. ForgeHub's Throwdown contest.. Forged by: MickRaider and Titmar Gametypes: All gametypes supported Recommended: Throwdown, CTF, Stockpile Supports 2-8 players. Description: Renova began life many months ago as a brainchild of Titmar. He showed it to me and we started putting ideas together. When the 2v2 contest was announced, we finally knew what direction we wanted to take. 4 to 5 complete tear downs and rebuilds later Renova took it's final form that it is today. We never felt like the ideas we had were good enough and stripped it down to the basics of just the center hill. It wasn't till we decided to make it symmetric that things started to come together. We're very happy with the way it's come about and people seem to enjoy it a lot as well. The Evade only shows up for slayer gametypes. Weapon List: [weapon]/[number on map]/[# of clips]/[respawn time] Needle Rifle / 4 / 2 / 30 Plasma Repeater / 2 / 2 / 45 Plasma Pistol / 2 / 2 / 100 Magnum / 2 / 2 / 30 Shotgun / 1 / 1 / 60 Rocket Launcher / 1 / 0 / 150 Sniper / 1 / 1 / 90 Plasma Grenades / 4 / 15 Frag Grenades / 4 / 15 Health Packs / 4 / 15 Evade / 1 / 60 Pictures: View Towards Red Base: Green Side (Shotgun): Overview: Blue High Point: Orange Side (Sniper/Evade): Rocket Spawn: Thanks for checking our map out. We're open to all constructive criticism and comments. Acknowledgments: Everyone who tested and everyone who helped me get this to be the best it could be. Click here to Download Renova
I like the use of color to define specific areas of the map. Very warlock-esque. I downloaded the map and will try to get some games on it. Your forge creations always seem so Bungie-like.
Canvas Map: Anchor 9 Mick Edit: Fixed Anyways, fantastic job with this mick. It played amazingly during the testing sessions I had, I love every little bit of it. I think Titmar really compliments your forging style with his, and vice verse. If this doesn't get into the tourney, I really don't know what will.
I took a quick run through in forge, nice and clean forging with good use of parts. I would remove the effects since they are numerous and don't really help the map. In my opinion it needs something unique added because it does not stand out to me. I think the central room looks better with an open top. Otherwise a great map with good lines of sight and construction.
Thanks for looking at it. The effects really help the colors pop so each area is very distinct. They have no negative effects whatsoever and enhance the feel of the map. Otherwise the map plays excellent and people have a really fun time playing it. Gameplay is far more important than unnecessary aesthetics.
It reminds me a lot of aceofspades map that I just can't remember the name of right now. It's the one that has the curvy bridges going across the middle, which is what reminds me of yours. Anyways, that's just my initial opinion. I'd like to get a go on this sometime. Maybe over the weekend. If you're interested, hit me up. My gamertag is my username. I believe we met the other day. If not nice to meet you. I like it from the pictures but can't give great feedback without playing it. Best Regards
about the FX, it was definitely something that we considered heavily during the design of the map. we had some people suggesting to remove them and others suggesting to keep them. in the end, we decided to keep them because of the positive effect they had on orientation within the map, and also the overall look of the map. We all have a habit of deeming FX negative on first glance. I think once people play the map, they will realize that the FX are not detrimental in this case.
I completely agree. If you know me at all, you should know that I won't even play some really good maps because of FX regardless of anything, except for two; sequence, and this. They are the only two that do it perfectly well and keep it subtle enough to make things really pop. I really only have one major complaint... that is the totally randomly placed snipers in the corners that I chose to give Teetmare waaay too much crap about! ;D Great map guys, I love to play it. Glad that I have what may be the final version now!
that was an earlier build, there is now only one sniper on the map and it is in a neutral location. =D
How've I not seen or even heard of this map? ... Downloading. We best be playing this soon, Mick. I'm loving the theme, you guys pulled it off well.
A lot of maps that have good gameplay seem to have this same design. I'm definitely gonna give it a download and check it out, but it reminds me of one of AceOfSpades newer maps, which is good, since that map was amazing.
So I herd you like shameless bumps for matchmaking? I honestly never got a chance to voice my love for this map; other than the random sniper-spawns, I had no issues, and even while I was searching around for z-fighting I was pressed to find anything wrong. I think we found... a single tiny, tiny spot below some glass? Yeah, its that good. I still think that the random-sniper spawns are random and should be made more obvious, but I really cannot complain. Congratulations not only to Mick and Titmar, but everyone who gets to play this in the 2v2 playlist. I envy you
Is the matchmade version different from this one? I love all of your maps so far but i played this on matchmaking and it wasn't a dissapointment. But then i found out you made it. It makes me sad. But the pictures in this thread look way more attractive that the matchmade version. Still, the gameplay isn't very good. I'm just upset that it turned out this way because you made it.
The matchmaking version doesn't have a lot of the aesthetic touches that the throwdown version had, but aside from that it's essentially the same geometry. I'm sorry you didn't like it. It was a co-forge with me and titmar and we really enjoy it. People across the board have said they liked it so I'd be interested to know what about the gameplay throws you off.
The true version probably has no gameplay problems but it's the matchmade version that is bad. It just feels terrible. And the votes for it are extermely similar to that of sword base on Living Dead. It's always a total landslide. I have yet to play the true version but the matchmade version lacks a lot that i expected from a forgehubber's map. Don't take it the wrong way. You are in fact one of the best forgers out there. But whenever i play this in matchmaking, it just feels wrong. I don't quite know why but it feels like something that you would expect from a community MM map.
I agree with EpicChief117. Renova is actually one of my least favorite maps in matchmaking. I would rather play this map in custom games. Aside from the bad comments, this is a very solid map. Well done! Edit: I don't know why, but I'm actually starting to like this map in MM now, but I still think this would be much much better in custom games.
Love this map in matchmaking. managed to hold off the other team and win when the rest of my team left on this map. Awesome map. ps. Love the rocket spawn.
I really really like this map in matchmaking, one of my favorite community maps. I had beef with the fact that they put it in the 4v4 playlist because I knew it was originally a 2v2 map, but I've actually come to enjoy the really frantic gameplay. My one complaint is the sniper rifle is really underused. Rockets and shotgun dominate on this map so hard but the sniper doesn't feel like it had a place. I can imagine using it more in 2v2 but in team slayer matches it's so hectic and i'm not good enough with the sniper to consistently kill people in the really close ranges Renova demands of me. I'm just going to throw ideas out there and say I would have liked to see a concussion rifle rather than the sniper, so I could counter sprint/shotgun users like on Countdown. Given the room based layout it would be an awesome weapon to have. Still it's a really nice map and the sniper rifle is hardly an unfun weapon.
This map is probably one of my favorite maps on MM besides precipice and trident from FORGE HUB. I don't really care for the maps power weapons because I take the liberty of wiping out the other team with my trusty magnum unless I run out of ammo and I go for a rocket launcher or DMR or Assault but either way this is a sick map. I noticed with this map though your power weapons are too over powered especially because of the rocket which I find to be not worth my trouble anymore but replacing it with something else like a needler (Even if to you its not a power weapon) it makes one of the best weapons for a close courters map like this. I have a map at the editing stage that used to have a rocket and sniper but I felt the sniper was over powered along with the sniper so now a focus is in control with no rockets in tow. I suggest replacing your sniper with a grenade launcher or a concussion like MUDNUB stated try to replace them along with your version, this is better. I think 343 should try to let the creator of the maps edit the playlist the way they think the game works better instead of them once posted edit themselves. Also you want the a vid. of me pwning on this map in MM for your post?
I've played this map in matchmaking and gotta say that it's one of the "smoothest" maps that I've played! It seemlessly blends long-mid-short range gameplay to give players a diverse and unique experience! Great work! I'll look forward to seeing more maps from you in the future!