Foundry Renewal

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Iv0rY Snak3, Feb 19, 2009.

  1. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    Download Renewal Here

    Probably (but not definitely) my last Foundry map, renewal is a map that I like to think will leave a lasting impression on forgers as they journey off into the depths of Sandbox. As such, I have gone all out in a pursuit of aesthetic greatness coupled with solid gameplay. Designed for One-flag amongst other A-symmetric gametypes, Renewal creates a very smooth style of gameplay, allowing you to flow through the map as you wish whilst still emphasising basic strategies such as team-shooting and multi-point invasions. Renewal can also be played as an FFA map of around 6 players, whereas team gametypes can be 6-12 players.










    Special Epic thanks to: BlazeisGod

    Normal thanks to: Chipsinabox and Shad0w Viper

    Less than normal thanks to Quiganometry, for making me look like the greatest noob ever during testing... you silly 12 year old...
    Download Renewal Here

    #1 Iv0rY Snak3, Feb 19, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2009
  2. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Damn, took your time posting this one didn't you!?

    I remember playing this last year some time, so I'm guessing it's evolved quite a bit, eh?
    That arch, that arch!! It's awe inspiring. If I remember correctly, my jaw dropped when I first saw it. I've only dropped my jaw a handful when looking at maps, one other time was when I first saw Felipe's big ass spider. Either way, I love the arch, I can't help but climb it, no matter the situation. The rest of the map doesn't disappoint either, it feels very fitting. I suppose I gotta' get some games on the final version.
  3. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
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    Wow, just.............................
    5.5 terrific, it cannot be any better, this just HAS TO BE FEATURED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, ALERT A MOD!!!!
  4. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    The name Renewal really fits into this map. It has such a wide range of different structures that I have never seen before.

    The game play looks extremely questionable because this map does not look like your style of forging and is very different from your past maps. I shall play this map at once since it looks so epic and well-forged.

    Same with Linu, I love that over-sized arc.
  5. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    This "looks" very cool. Those bridges must of takin a while to excactly geomerge, and the boxes runing over them are beautiful. EVerything seems slanted, whether you did that on purpose or not, it makes the map have a certain feel to it. You definitly used bridges to their full extent, and made everything appear odd, but not out of place. Have to Dl and play a game on this. 4/5 for Aesthetics
  6. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    I'm saying the same thing as Linubidix here, I played a waay earlier version of this map with some people a while back, like a real while back. and it has changed quite a lot from what I remember as well. Some time and effort has obviously gone into this map. The arc, as been said before but must be said again, is brilliant and jaw-dropping. The whole map is a wonder within itself really.

    I'll have to get several games on this, then I'll come back with some feedback or a review.
  7. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
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    Quite honestly the best map I've seen in a month, hands down. I'm glad I didn't make a map with those structures (I had ideas very similar to the aesthetic arches a few weeks ago, NOT complaning, just wanna explain my pleasant shock with the beauty!)

    It's sad that these next two to four weeks will be filled with some really good Foundry variants, because people will wanna push out their ideas before the Forge's Sandbox Flood (in reference to Forge's Foundry Big Bang, lol). But there will only come a rebirth to our favorite tool in Halo 3, a rejuvination, a Rebirth, if you will.

    Unfortunately, I am at school, but later today, ill test this out with One Flag, Slayer, and FFA.
  8. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    That arch could possibly be the essence of Forgasm distilled and concentrated in it's purest form.

    Unfortunately, I cannot download it right (video card in my Xbox fried out.) but I will be sure to comeback after I have gotten a chance to play on it.
  9. zackj191

    zackj191 Ancient
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    Omg! I love that arc in the first picture and in the ghost picture. That looks sexy. The random stairs coming out of the ground at that one place in picture 7 is kinda.. eh. But other than that, looks freakin awsome! Glad that you didn't use normal squared edges and made things curve(as best that you could anyway). 5/5

    JASONYO Ancient
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    wow. that arch just makes me want to get on my knees for it. i can c that u clearly took in mind gameplay overall, but just looking at the pics i can c that lines of site have specific spots and such. ima download asap
  11. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    Dear god the aesthetics in this map look gorgeous! You have very unique architecture style that you've used here, especially the center arch with the merged bridges underneath. It does look a weeeeee bit open, but I guess the only way to really know that is to play it.
  12. nuvnuv123

    nuvnuv123 Ancient
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    Hey man, Just spectacular, I have seen a lot of maps, but this one stands out from them. I to don't think that foundry will be popular after the mythic comes out but hey, foundry and it's many maps will be cherished with the many memories halo 3 has brought up. But gamers, don't fret! Sandox also may have new and cool openings for fellow forgers. Anyways, Renewal is amazing and i hope it gets a feature. LOL I JUST WROTE A BEAUTIFUL PARAGRAPH. SNIFF.....SNIFF I DONT WANT TO CRY!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAA
  13. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Old map is old.

    The above is my post, just already spoken by Linou. ie. this is not spam ****ers.
  14. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    Wait, so what version is this Ivory? Did you put down any dual-wieldable weapons in this version?? Oh ****, I need content for this post. YOUR MAP IS VERY UNIQUE IT IS NOTHING I'VE SEEN BEFORE GREAT JOB 4.99/5 RUN ON SENTENCES ARE THE BEST BUT SRSLY YOU'RE THE BEST FORGER IN THE HISTORY OF FORGE.

    Renewal plays really well, but I wish I tested more than just free for all!
  15. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    Nvm, I deleted my rant.

    I like the arch, as well as the full use of Foundry. The camo area looks cool, and is something original to an MLG-styled map.
  16. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    it looks so perty. luv teh eye candy. feature NAO pl0x? 4.75/5 lawl
  17. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    LOL, finaly. Been waiting for this one.
    Testing this map was tons 'o' fun. Racing to pick up camo, splatering people with the ghost, sniping people down the back alley from the snipe tower, ninja running the flag across the map, ninjaing Remi... ohh what fun.
    I was sad when I heard you werent going to post this, I was tots sad faic. But now I'm happi faic.
  18. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    i think i just lolgasmed. that arch just makes me want to go get a sock and wank it, no joke. same with the 3 interlocked/geomerged stairs at the back rooms, amazing.
  19. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    hot pastrami!.... why is everyone doing this....anyways--->this map looks great, very big and fun...i cant wait to play it...a really like how the arch is placed, kinda at that angle... reminds me of a racetrack....i love you.
  20. The Number 0000

    The Number 0000 Ancient
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    I've always liked your maps Ivory, you have a great style of forging. The beautiful arch in the middle must have taken a long time to perfect, especially with the merged bridges. Simply amazing looking in all aspects of forge. I'll be downloading this later. I hope to see more from you. Great Job. Keep Forging.

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