
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Gravedigger5454, Jan 30, 2008.

  1. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    Download Map

    Many people have said that they are starting to get tired of Foundry. They say that they keep seeing many maps that all seem similar, and all like they're "on Foundry." Foundry adds a lot of power to forge, and allows to create better maps. So, I decided to try to create a map on Foundry, that didn't feel like it was made "on Foundry." Newly discovered forge techniques, such as the unlimited budget glitch, combined with a lot of time, building, testing, editing, and taking screenshots, have allowed me to present to you Renegade!

    The idea is when you play Renegade it will feel as if your playing on a whole new Halo map, like something you would get from DLC. Of course, the first time you play a whole new map, it can be easy to get lost. To try to make it easier to get around, I have put together many screenshots of the map, as well as well as pictures of the layout of the map (paint sketch on Foundry illustrations). The map layout is basically, two bases, with three floors each, flag/bomb spawn on the second floor. Then there is a large basement that goes under the map. To help the gameplay and look of the map, many original uses for objects where used, such as inverted stairs that act as a fence ramp. Weapons are well balanced, and not to many are spread around the map.

    The map is a little complicated, however it is symetrical, making it easy to learn. The top floor of each base allows people to play as a sniper, however it is not hard to kill someone if they stay up there long. Some additional key features of the map are good use of the sentinel beam and well used destroyable cover. Also, there is a flamethrower, but it rarely becomes available when you play, however, if it does, it's easy to get.







    Map Layouts (Shows a map of each floor):




    Special thanks to Furious D 18 For posting the Foundry picture I used to create these.

    Map Key:
    Solid black areas are uncovered floor
    On Floor Two, the big areas outlined in black are uncovered floor
    Gray is covered floor
    Dark Green is fence floor/wall
    White is fence ceiling
    Red is part of the two ramps leading to the bases
    Yellow is stairs
    Light Green is shield doors
    Aqua is shield floor/ceiling
    Dark Blue are grav lifts
    Dark Brown is a truck
    Darkest Brown are bridge ramps
    Purple is one way teleporter senders
    Light Brown is one way teleporter recievers
    Pink crosses out unused areas and shows two small destroyable walls
  2. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    It looks pretty good, I'll download it. The overhead layout pics are nice, but I don't know what I'm looking at. All I can tell is that there are 3-4 floors.

    Also, you might want to think about breaking up that block of text into paragraphs. The first paragraph should be talking about making something that doesn't look like Foundry, the second should be talking about the layout, and the third should be about the weapon layout. That way, if I'm reading about how it isn't supposed to look like Foundry and I think I got the point, I can skip to the next paragraph. Otherwise, people are likely to just skip the rest of the text altogether.
  3. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    Thank you, Furious D. I've edited the post, I think the map key might seem a little complicated though, I meant to have it there before.
  4. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I'm glad you used the Foundry pic to show the layout of the map. I think it will be helpful when people want to know the layout right away before they download. Also, it shows that you'll take that little extra time for your map. I don't want to get off topic, but I made a thread for anyone who likes that idea and wants a blank Foundry overhead pic. It can be found here.
  5. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    Looks kind of like a Halo 3 Lockout.
  6. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Gravedigger, I've had a chance to fly around this map in Forge. I like the layout and weapon selection. However, I don't like the map in general.

    The main floor area is slightly higher than the boxes that lead to it, so whenever you want to run into the center, you get caught on the height difference. You have to jump to get up it, and I don't like that. Also, there are several small gaps in that floor. I'd be pissed if I threw the perfect nade, planted it right at my enemy's feet, and then watched it fall down one of those gaps. Navigating that area is more trouble than it's worth. It's one area of the map that could have greatly benefited from interlocking.

    Speaking of interlocking, I only noticed it on one side of the map, and it appears that the only purpose of it is to fit some walls and boxes in there to block off the rest of the map from the play area. The boxes over there are crooked, and it makes it look sloppy.

    Also, a hidden flamethrower? I can't stand hidden weapons. I can understand if you put it in there so people can get trapped in there if they go for it, like the shotgun hallway in Guardian. That way it has a risk/reward trade off. When have you ever seen Bungie hide a weapon in one of their maps? They don't do it because it is poor map design.

    Finally, at one of the inverted stair "ramps," I can't walk from the ramp to the upside-down stair section. I get hung up on the height difference again. It might not seem like a big deal but when I'm in the middle of an epic BR showdown, I need to be able to strafe and maneuver fluidly. I hate getting caught up on walls and stuff.

    Overall, I like the design and layout, but I think this map would have been much much better if you had made it neater.
  7. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    It looked good at the start, but there are a couple a small things that need fixing (like the ones Furious stated). There is some sloppy interlocking and the sheild doors leave open some gaps. Looks good overall though, nice work.
  8. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    That's intentional. If someone is camping the shield door you can throw grenades through the gaps to kill them. It's better than the shield door covering the whole hallway.
  9. SykoOne

    SykoOne Ancient
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    Oh I remeber playing this like 2 days ago with you. It was fun the gameplay is great. The only thing I would have to say is it could have been alittle bit neater but thats all.
  10. Egoender

    Egoender Ancient
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    Looks nice.
  11. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    Not many people go out in the open there often, since it is open, and easier to die. I can't interlock in extra walls or anything, because I have used up most objects, including walls. If I had put the floor slightly lower, than part of the floor there were it's flat, would have been smoother. The few spots where you do have to jump up are not used much, usually people just fall into there. The whole next to the shield doors and walls are both intentional. They're there because I can't place enough walls to fill the holes, and the ability to throw grenades down there prevents people from camping the basement with the energy sword. The flamethrower is not hidden, you can't get to it, usually. The only way someone could get to the flamethrower is if nearby explosions moved the crates and flamethrower, making it obvious and making it possible to get. This just means that the flamethrower is not always available when you play, however knowing where it is won't help you get it before anyone else. Some sections of the map are interlocked, including the entire fourth floor. I would have liked to make the wall neater, however, I had to make sure it was completely impossible to escape within my budget. Thank you for all the constructive criticism though, I will look back at the map and see if it is possible to improve it. However I don't think it is, since I've already glitched a lot of budget, and have reached the item limit in addition to the inventory limit for many scenery items.

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