
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by SirSquishie, Feb 19, 2008.

  1. SirSquishie

    SirSquishie Guest

    Created by SirSquishie
    Supported Gametypes:
    -SWAT (attached at bottom)
    -Any Infection Gametype
    -Any Slayer Gametype
    Map Description
    This is a completely symmetrical map made with my SWAT gametype in mind. A Red and a Blue team are required for any non-infection gametype. Anything less than 3 vs. 3 can get a little boring. I never had more than 10 people on the map at once and it isn't all that big, so I'm going to say that it probably plays best with anywhere between 6 and 12 players.

    The second story of the map has a little bit of cover including cement barricades, wire spools, etc. The bottom floor has quite a bit more cover, including walls, trucks, semis, etc. Each team has their own base in the back hallways, exits are covered with shields to provide further protection. Each team is given one bubble shield, one radar jammer, and one flare. They each respawn relatively quickly and they have all proven useful in the play-testing that I have done, especially the flare. In addition to these, a custom power-up spawns 2 minutes into the match and every two minutes after that. In the SWAT I designed it lasts for 15 seconds, and gives you good camo and normal shielding, so it is also a very powerful tool. However, I found that even when I had the custom power-up, a couple of well placed blasts from the battle rifle killed me pretty quickly, so it isn't too powerful, in my opinion anyway.
    Lower left side of map, with view of the stairs to the second story.
    The back side of each base is just an empty hallway.
    View of the “equipment room†of one base. Each of these is identical as well.
    Lower right side of map with view of various walls and shield doors.
    Overview of the middle of the map, with a view of the custom power-up and the boundary wall to the left.
    Close-up of the custom power-up.
    This is what the upstairs looks like.
    Left side of the map from a different angle, with a view of the bases
    View of the right side of the map from the base.
    Any gametypes you design for this map will need to have their spawning weapons picked out and probably given infinite ammo. The budget ran out before I could put any weapons or grenades on the map, so I left it as is. I think it works better without having to worry about finding weapons anyway. A lot of work went into this map, and I really hope you all enjoy it. Thanks for trying it out.
    Download Rendition here.
    Download SWAT gametype here.
  2. Running Chron

    Running Chron Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks like it will be a very good swat map, well done...
  3. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like the look of this, I'll download it and get back to you with a updated opinion.

    Peace // gorebound
  4. SirSquishie

    SirSquishie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks guys. This took me quite a while to complete. My friends all enjoy it a lot!
  5. Matty

    Matty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Did you photoshop those images? they look alot better than ones on different forums...

    Makes the map look loads better.
  6. SirSquishie

    SirSquishie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I used flickr to host the images. I think most people use imageshack. Maybe that has something to do with it? But no photoshop. I downloaded them from Bungie, then uploaded them to flickr. So I'm not positive why they appear better than some other posts.
  7. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Even though I’m not particularly fond of maps that only cater for a few gametypes I actually like this map. You’ve done a good job in making the most out of a limited space and even though you could have spent more time aligning walls I think you’ve done a good job in forging this map.

    Aesthetic / Functionality
    You’ve managed to take a cramped area (i.e. your map is blocked off) and really make the most out of it. I like the fact that you have created the map in such a way that the players are able to chose from two ways that even though they follow the same path they are topographically very different.
    Even though I like this setup I’m unfortunately worried that it won’t last in the long run. Because you Always now which direction the enemies will come from, either the left or the right side depending on which of the bases that’s your home base.

    There’s one minor thing that bothers me about the top level, you really should lower the bridge so that it rests on the surface beneath it because when you try to walk up on it there’s actually a huge bump preventing you from getting up.

    All the spawns look good except for a few ones that make you spawn facing in the wrong direction as opposed to where the action is going on. The spawns make it painfully clear that this map really is designed for SWAT and Infection in mind, but seeing as you’ve designed the map with those gametypes in mind I guess that’s good .

    Weapons / Equipment
    Not much to comment on really, you’ve done a good job here.

    All in all you’ve done a good job on this map, I hope we get to see a couple of varied maps from you in the future though. Keep up the good work and Happy forging!

    Peace // gorebound
  8. SirSquishie

    SirSquishie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the advice, I'm making minor changes, including lowering the bridge into the floor, and trying to set it up so you can spawn elsewhere. Maybe use the unlimited budget glitch to build a third base or something. We'll see. I have an idea for another map that I'm going to start soon. If you're interested in helping at all, PM me.
  9. A Nasty Fresh

    A Nasty Fresh Ancient
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    This map looks really really really sweet. Very nice job looks fun. DL. And why do the pictures look so clear? Its like HD or superHD or something haha
  10. iversonrocks03

    iversonrocks03 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice worrk on this map.

    i tryed it out in swat and it played out nicely and probably one of the best swat maps ive seen on forge hub, so congrats for that.

    is the map currently updated, with u lowering that bridge and adding another base?
    im looking foreward to your other maps

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    so many right angles, its beautiful
  12. goldman 010

    goldman 010 Ancient

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    this map would be awsome for infection. :squirrel_chatting:
  13. SirSquishie

    SirSquishie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Infection has been a lot of fun on it. I'm working on some changes to make the map play better. Moving some spawns outside the base, rearranging some walls, etc. Can anyone tell me how to do an initial spawn point and a spawn area? They're both mentioned on and here, but I can't figure out how to do them. I'm probably just being stupid, but help would be greatly appreciated.
  14. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
    Senior Member

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    In order to place "Starting points" and "Spawn areas" you have to enter monitor mode and change the gametype to the gametype that you want to place "Starting points" and "Spawn areas" for.
    After you've done that press "X" and change tabs until you get to the one were the "Respawn points" are, now you should be able to see two or more items at your disposal.
    Now you should see a list of "Spawners" that looks something like this: Respawn point, Starting point and Respawn area.

    Peace // gorebound
  15. SirSquishie

    SirSquishie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm in class now or I'd check myself, but is there a team slayer gametype to do that with? I think I'm going to rebuild rendition from the ground up with the unlimited budget glitch and somehow add a teleporter for quick cross map transit or something like that, and add spawns for each team on the second level and bottom level outside the base. With some work I think I could make this map work for CTF and assault as well. I'll see what comes of it.
  16. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes there is a slayer game type.
  17. deepmonkey paw

    deepmonkey paw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like the looks of this map.. I think ima check it out.
  18. SykoOne

    SykoOne Ancient
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    Isnt there a moive called Rendition? Anyway the map looks great for SWAT. Im gonna dl and test with some friends later. BTW i really like the HD pics.
  19. SirSquishie

    SirSquishie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yea, that movie just came out. I struggle with naming things, and I was trying to think of a cool word to name the map, and I saw that sitting on the shelf at work and while I know it sounds pathetic, thats actually where I got the name for my map. haha. I am currently rebuilding this map from the ground up, using the unlimited budget glitch. I'm making some minor changes (spawnpoints, etc.) and some major changes (the height of the second story and possibly adding a teleporter or two).

    When I finish I hope the map will be compatible with not only swat and infection, but also any other team game. Slayer, CTF, Assault, etc. My only fear with the last two options are that the map is two small for any real fun to be had playing them. Like playing ctf or assault on guardian or warlock from halo 2. The size may be a problem.

    But my changes for version two of Rendition will definitely make SWAT and Infection a lot more interesting, especially if my idea with the teleporter pans out. I'll update you all when the new version comes out. It'll probably be a couple weeks as I'm really busy with school at the moment, but I work on it when I can, and I have it about 25% - 30% complete. So watch for that to be up soon.
  20. SirSquishie

    SirSquishie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ugh...I ran into a major problem involving floor height. I got half the second story built only to realize that the second half would be up too high, and players would scrape along the roof of foundry. I have a couple different ideas to fix it. But this is gonna set be back at least a day. Sigh. I don't get much time to work on it and now about 3 hours just went down the crapper. Oh well.

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