Sandbox Remetea

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by dented_drum, Nov 4, 2009.

  1. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Hello, friends. It has been a while indeed. Don't know how many folks around here will remember me, but I hope there's still some of you around. Anyways, I finally got back to Forging a little bit, and the above is the result. Hope you guys enjoy; let's get to it.



    (6) BR55HB SR Battle Rifle
    20 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips

    (2) SRS99D-S2 AM Sniper Rifle
    90 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips

    (4) M7/Caseless Submachine Gun
    30 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips

    (4) Type-25 Carbine (Spiker)
    30 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips

    (2) Type-25 Directed Energy Pistol
    30 Second Respawn

    (2) Type-33 Guided Munitions Launcher (Needler)
    60 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips

    (1) M41 SSR MAV/AW Rocket Launcher
    120 Second Respawn - 0 Spare Clips

    (2) Type-51 Carbine
    20 Second Respawn - 0 Spare Clips

    (2) Type-52 Directed Energy Support Weapon (Plasma Turret)
    No Respawn



    (4) M9 HE-DP Fragmentation Grenade
    10 Second Respawn

    (6) Type-2 Antipersonnel Fragmentation Grenade
    10 Second Respawn

    (2) Bubble Shield
    120 Second Respawn

    (2) Regenerator
    90 Second Respawn

    (2) Power Drain
    120 Second Respawn



    Alrighty. So we're clear on everything, minor edits have taken place since most of these pictures were taken. I didn't feel it necessary to get brand new pictures because the edits consisted of some small cover being added and weapon/equipment edits. With that in mind, we'll kick it off with the overall shot which includes the most recent edits.


    Overall Shot
    Pretty self-explanatory. Standard symmetrical map focused on keeping the player out of any kind of base. I wanted the bases to resemble those of H2's Warlock, but to have a little more open playing field to work with. As we go through a few more shots, you can tell for yourself whether I got it just right or not.


    Attacker's Straight
    Down the two far sides are small crevices. You saw them in the overall shot as the blue and red boxes. A single Sniper with no spare clips spawns in each of these as well as the Flag and Flag Return points for symmetrical CTF games.


    Defender's Crevice
    [SIZE=3][COLOR=Red][FONT=Georgia]Exactly what I just covered. Picture is here mainly to show you just how pretty these turned out, or so I'd like to think. We'll cover the details of why the Flag settings are the way they are just a little bit later.


    [COLOR=Red][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=Teal][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]Shot of the Base
    [I][SIZE=3][COLOR=Red][FONT=Georgia]Nothin' extremely special here to see. Like I said, I wanted to keep people out in the field of play as much as possible. The only difficult part of that is maintaining a fluent and enjoyable spawn system as well. I am proud to say that the spawns worked excellently in all the playtests.

    Center Structure
    [SIZE=3][COLOR=Red][FONT=Georgia][I]Ah, the middle. For anyone who remembers me, Grid actually assisted with this part. He's off doing chick things these days, but I got he and Sharp to lend me a steady eye for most of the center structure. I can also assure you that I was unable to get on top of the center structure despite my many attempts. If anyone is able to, please let me know because it is not intended for use.




    You saw an edit of this shot at the top of the page. I won't do a write-up for all the action shots because it's pretty unnecessary, but this undoubtedly deserves to be credited as my favorite picture.






    And there ya have it. I can honestly say I had more fun playing on this map than any other I've made. It's just a load of fun.



    Team BRs
    Team Snipers
    Team KotH
    1 Flag BRs*
    Multi-Flag BRs**

    For 1-Flag, I sincerely recommend you drop the respawn time to 5 seconds and the Flag return time to 10 seconds. For all gametypes, BR starts is a necessity. The long lines of sight are completely useless without a weapon that can sufficiently handle them.

    Aaand, finally, the custom gametype. If I remember correctly, it's rare for folks to ever really play your map. I understand that and I'm not gonna pretend it's not so. That said, if you play the map at all, I insist that you start with Remetea 2-Flag It's what the map was designed for. The changes are very subtle, but they suit the surroundings perfectly. You'll notice that you need five captures to win, and that the respawn times and Flag respawn times have been dropped. This makes play insanely fast-paced and hella fun.


    That's about it. I normally do a lengthy thanks to all that helped, but this one was mostly me, which is probably why it's garbage. I've recently moved to North Carolina, and we're havin' some NAT issues up here. This has forced me away from my friends and back to Forging somewhat. I suppose I have that to thank. Sharp and Cookie both helped with a ton of random crap. Also, a very special thanks to Ryan and Zac who're allowing me to live with them rent-free and suck up their internet. Hope you guys enjoy. Thanks a lot.
    #1 dented_drum, Nov 4, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2009
  2. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Very impressive. Although for gameplay's sakes I recommend that the centerpiece have a few ramps, because mandatory jumps are a nono. Have at least 1 ramp to every important area in the map. As far as the forging, half good. Aesthetically the Red/Blue/Purple is a sign of not win, but I can see that an actual effort was put into this map, good job.
  3. LegendaryFluffy

    LegendaryFluffy Ancient
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    I don't know if i agree that red\blue\purple is a sign of not-win, but it's all opinions isn't it? This looks really nice. It's very well done, I saw the first pic and said, hey, this looks like a cool take on Warlock. However, how do you get on the structure in the middle? Do you have to crouch-jump to get on one of the four blocks with the double walls across them? If so, you should probably add grav-lifts or something to create better flow.
  4. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    It's incredibly easy to get on the middle structure. I disagree also with his take on the ramp bit. There's no classy way to reply when you disagree with everything someone says, though.

    Anyway, it doesn't require a crouch jump. I made sure of that. Grav-lifts would shoot you way too high. The red/blue/purple bit is played out, I know. I started this map a long time ago when Sandbox first came out. As I said in the post, recent NAT conditions caused me to come back and finish it. The lights and what not were there from before, and I just liked them to much to take them out because the lights are played out.

    Anyways, thanks. Whatev.
  5. Sharpestt

    Sharpestt Ancient
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    So, this map is cool and stuff, but mainly because it has Spikers and everyone knows that Spikers shoot mad bullets.

    I feel like I can't give a worthwhile opinion because Nosey is my homey and I sorta almost helped on this map, so everyone thinks I'm just making us look cool (which isn't really necessary, we already look super ballin') but I like it a lot. Looks sexy, plays sexy, and you always come back for more, not unlike how my mother is to you guys.

    D4RK 3NCRYPT3R Ancient
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    Thats spam

    anyways, I don't mean to be a jerk but I found a major flaw with this map while doing a forge through. It is very easy to break with some simple grenade jumps.

    Here is a picture that describes how I did it.


    The G's represent where you grenade jump

    anyways that is all I have to add on what has already been said
  7. Sharpestt

    Sharpestt Ancient
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    You would think that, but you would be wrong.
  8. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    Okay, you can break the map, but how about you go and break it in a game with people actually shooting at you. There is no way you could make it out.

    Anyway, on to the map.

    Oh wait: Welcome back, Dented.

    I can definitely see the influence Warlock had on this map, but I like the changes like making the bases concise and completely uncampable, which I'm sure makes gameplay fast-paced and hectic. (I DL'ed, will see for myself later.

    I was hesitant when I saw the action shot of the guy with a turret, but after seeing where it was, it looks like it would not hinder the gameplay, due to the cover in front of it and the pillar to the right of it. I'm also glad that this map was built with the BR in mind, because let's face it, that's just the best weapon to start with.

    I don't know why you said the forging is garbage; it looks amazing and the amount of subtle details in the walls is incredible

    Case in Point

    That's about all I can say before I (hopefully) test it tonight.
    #8 AItius, Nov 4, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2009
  9. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Thanks a lot, bro. It has indeed been a while. I expected FH to be a little more active, though. I was completely surprised to see such little activity.

    Anyways, it is pretty hectic on that center structure. Like I said, I tried and tried to grenade jump onto the top, and I could never get it, and that was by myself. Either way, I'm not too worried about it. Thanks for the comments. If you haven't playtested yet, hit my tag up with an invite when you do. I'll at least have myself and a guest to contribute, and I honestly love playing on this map.


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