As the title says Remember Reach is live. So head over to to place your own star in the monument. If you live in the UK then say you live in America. Then to place your star you will have to log into facebook. Once you have placed your star wou will be able to watch 3 trailers. *Note: I first tried to do this with Firefox, but it didn't work, so I swapped to Opera and it let me sign into Facebook, so what I'm saying is, if it doesn't work, try using a different browser.
Cool little site. The placing of a star failed for me though. Gave me a Server Error. But the videos were kind of cool. I love the live action Halo stuff. Hopefully they make start working on the movie again at some point.
Think something is glitched. I try entering my birthday, 09/11/92 (17), but it wont let me in now I cant just go in at all. Edit: I can re enter now will edit again Only Carter is recognizable at this point, the live action trailers don't live up yo ODST and 3's
Its still counting down for me in Chrome. *digs up IE* Edit: Actually, it still says 9 hours in all my browsers...
I would never register for a random site that requires me to login to another one of my accounts. How do you think MySpace got all screwed up with all that spam? Or how kids lost their XBOX LIVE accounts thinking they'd get free MS points?
It not as bad as a random site, its from a company like Microsoft. I don't really know how to explain this but basically a big company wouldn't spam like that. Maybe someone else can explain better than me.
yeah it shows up as an affiliate of so i don't think it can be that bad and well my super awesome firewall etc didn't register a hit on the site.