Chances are, Remedy is unlike any Foundry variant you've seen before. Aimed for 2v2, Remedy is located and revolves around the Foundry back alley. Without the assistance of the teleporters the map itself would play in a big circle, they really help make the gameplay what it is. The map holds a main courtyard where most of the action goes down but it branches out into the tunnels where you're gonna wanna be very careful. The map does not solely rely on one factor or one room, the whole map flows as a whole and everything in it serves a purpose. With some very unique forging present and an innovative design and layout, Remedy is well worth the look, if I don't say so myself. Well, I don't remember when the creation of Remedy actually began. It was well over two months ago, roughly a few weeks before I was promoted to Loyal. I'd originally planned to finish it in my last holidays and test it but that didn't happen. I got about a third of it done before school restarted but once my last term began, I barely touched my 360 let alone Remedy. It was originally named Pedigree for a couple weeks but because it reminded people too much of the dog food, it was hastily retitled Remedy. I originally started this with a few merges in the Alley area. Now don't take that the wrong way, I'd designed about a quarter of it as I begun to build. I worked my way through it and continued to branch it out. I wanted to try and keep it a secret but I didn't do a fantastic job, this wasn't a bad thing. Metallic Snake gave me a vague suggestion that I ran with which vastly helped the map. So, it's taken me a couple months to get this one done and dusted; primped and proper, ready for Forge Hub. Well, I originally planned to have this massively complex story prepared but I didn't see a lot of point to it. The theme of the map is an underwater club. Located in Rapture. For those unaware, Rapture is the underwater city where the game 'BioShock' takes place. Remedy is an underwater club long forgotten by the population of Rapture, even longer forgotten as the years went past. Discovered by the UNSC on a search for a hybrid species from the covenant race. The Team's ship crashed and they were marooned at the bottom of the sea, desperately searching. They found refuge in Remedy and their adventure died with them; unable to leave or repair their ship, the brave soldiers lasted an impressive 3 months cooped up in Remedy until hunger and extreme fatigue caught up with them. This team was not forgotten but was covered up, the hybrid species is still a mystery... Sniper Rifle - 90 Second Respawn - 1 Spare Clip Those who know how to use this will enjoy themselves on Remedy. Providing to be extremely useful in the courtyard and back hallway, don't you dare pass up an opportunity to get a hold of the sniper rifle. Rocket Launcher - 90 Second Respawn - 0 Spare Clips Arguably 'the' weapon of the map. The rocket proves to be a devastating tool. But to make balance it out, it holds no spare clips. Flamethrower - 2 Minute Respawn/Trip Mine - Never Respawn I've implemented swapping weapons with this set. In the centre of the hallway, the trip mine sits but does not respawn. Instead it's replaced with a flamethrower. Flamethrower is incredible at close range and the trip mine is a great tool to get those trying to steal your flag. 2 Needlers - 60 Second Respawn - 1 Spare Clip The courtyard is its home. If you've got it there, let your opponents have it. 6 Frag Grenades & 6 Plasma Grenades These are your best friends on Remedy. Use them. Deployable Cover - 45 second respawn Use this with thought. It can be used to block off numerous tunnels and paths. Trust me, it's a useful tool. Power Drain - 2 Minute Respawn Where it's placed, it's often forgotten. If you get it, throw it with care. It could easily get caught and be your demise. Regenerator - 90 Second Respawn Another highly useful piece of equipment. It's saved me countless times. Active Camo - 150 Second Resapwn The usefulness of the camo is unparalleled. Get it and use it to your advantage. 4 (of each) SMGs/Spikers When you're holding two of these, you can really rip through a sniper. 2 Plasma Rifles - 60 Second Respawn Beautiful at close range. 2 Plasma Pistols This can be used to temporarily off the deployable cover, if you manage to grab one, make sure to put it to good use. 5+ (of each) Battle Rifle and Carbine Couple these with well placed nades and you're unstoppable. I highly recommend 2v2. That is where Remedy Shines.Slayer FFA, is recommended. Try to keep it to a max of 5, otherwise it gets too crowded. 1v1 is supported very well, myself and JAY have had some close games on it, hiding is a massive tactic. 2v2 Team Slayer is also something I'd recommend giving a whirl, actually I'd recommend this over FFA. FFA Shotty Snipes surprisingly is a blast on Remedy, thanks to thesilencebroken for figuring that out. Capture The Flag One Flag is winly; in the wise words of Ivory Snack. You don't want to miss out on a game of One flag. Defence is key, to keep your flag you've got to protect that bish like it was your child right from the get go. In multi flag be prepared for some epic showdowns with flag carriers. Oddball Make sure you know your way around the map for FFA. Don't expose yourself too much. For team, make sure you stay together; work together. Infection You may be thinking, WTF!? But yeah, give it a shot. thesilencebroken shocked me when we had fun playing peasant hunt on Remedy. Mix it up, tweak your own infection game. Just a word of advice, make sure that your zombies have at least 100% Gravity. thesilencebroken So many pointers, opinions and compliments he's thrown out, I couldn't count. Seen it since it's beginning stages and has seen it evolve into what it is now. Some how Remedy makes him more competent with the sniper. And he manages to hide from me, in my own damn map! Seriously, thanks for all the support. Also, a thanks for the thread layout. I was inspired by Vertebraille's for this. And thanks yet again for your flattering review. J A Y Up until a couple days ago, I honestly thought this may be my first map to date where I wouldn't have to give any appreciation to J A Y. I was wrong. He hadn't seen it in about a month and was dumbstruck when he saw the almost final product. I opened up forge and he gave me some HUGE help with spawn areas. Thank you. Metallic Snake When I showed him the early stages, he suggested adding an additional room near the defenders. I took this idea an ran with it. Without that room(or any room for that matter) Remedy would play entirely different. Cheers Mike. Buddhacrane You managed to break out of it, at my request. I took your escapes and fixed up what needed to be fixed. Cheers for doing that. If you get out of the final version, let me know so I can hit you. Iv0rY Snak3 & Vorpal Saint These two fine gentlemen were involved in some early epic one flag games but the most impressive thing they did at all with this map was what we thought to be impossible. Sir Vorpal Saint managed to beat down Mr. Snack through a fence box!? How? Well, he's a ninja. And a thanks goes out to all the testers. Chipsinabox, Smeagle, Furry, Chrstphrbrnnn, Paulie Walnuttz and much more. If you managed to read all the way up until here, thank you. Your cookies are in the mail. Once again, if you missed it up top.
REMEDY | linubidix I've had the pleasure of watching this map from its early conception, and back then i just stared at it thinking to myself... "why...". Much later, i'd see it all come together. Let me start by saying that very rarely do maps catch my attention enough anymore to make me WANT to play on it and go write an essay on what i thought. In the past, you've made some fun maps that played well, but they all lacked something that made them interesting enough to be remembered longterm. This map, is your step up into great map making. LAYOUT The maps layout is very similiar to something like that of Cold Storage. Theres a few large rooms, and several twisting tunnels. The map is topped off with a few teleporters to promote better gameplay. The map is filled with a variety of places to go, and even with such a small map, theres places to hide. Remedy is built into the back hall of foundry, and the two square areas that surround them. The main square of foundry [which is usually the main building area], is left bare and unacknowledged for once. There is an excellent flow to the map, and i never have trouble enjoying my stay on it. the rocket spawn room sees the most action, and it isnt a problem. It is spacious and allows breathing room for firefights, but also enough escape routes to flee if you're damaged. WEAPONS / EQUIPMENT You chose an excellent set of weapons for this map. The sniper is a very effective weapon, but not in the traditional sense. It acts much more like the shotgun in this map, only taking extreme care and skill to work with. The plasma weapons are very useful, as they tear your enemy down as quick as possible, which is very important on this map. I dont have any real issues with your choice in placing the weapons... although i dislike some of their presentations. However, that is merely aesthetic preference. The best placed thing on the map is clearly the deployable cover. It sits in the central winding hallway, and can be deployed either to help evade an enemy or merely to temporarily block off a route so you may cut them off another way. AESTHETICS / FORGING This map, bar none, is the most impressive map i've layed my eyes upon. Theres been maps where geomerging of this caliber has been done, but none that promote it in a useful and extremely neccessary way. So many people think that geomerging will save their map and make it an instant feature, but they all miss something very vital. This map chose to be done in a manner where you used geomerging to make the map nothing short of amazing. The forging is all very tight and clean, and theres hardly a bump. While there are some of the blinking glitches in the main area [rocket spawn], that doesnt bother me in the slightest because it is 100% pure smooth floor. I give you a million kudos to the patience it must've taken to build this thing. GAMEPLAY This is where the map stands apart from the other geomerged beauties. I cant not enjoy myself on this map. Whether it be 1v1, 2v2 or a 5 person FFA, the map plays beautifully. My biggest preference is 2v2 slayer. Its just amazing fun. There is so much thought and strategy you must use when trying to play on this map. Theres spots you want to hold down, and routes you want to steer clear of if you want to live. Flag plays pretty well as well. The map allows the players a fairly quick return, so if the enemy gets the flag, theres little chance of redeeming yourself. However, that is solved by making it damn hard to get ahold of the flag. Hold down your base and you have nothing to worry about. Infection even works on this map. Its slightly terrifying, but it is thrilling. We got so bold as to try other random gametypes that dont usually work on maps like this. Peasant hunt was extremely entertaining with 5-6 people, although it required an honor rule, the non infected must not camp up in places where the minotaur cant get to. Shotty snipers is another that we decided to try in an insane rush of excitement. This actually is very fun, being that theres so many twists and corners to try to avoid because of the shotguns, and the large open spots arent safe either because of the snipers.... basically you have to keep moving and watch your back at all times. Basically, i can say i dont care what gametype im playing, ill enjoy this map. OVERALL This is definately your best work, and i can see a million clones coming. You've reignited my interest in forging, and you've given me a fresh breath in the maps section. People need to really step up their forging and be more creative like this. I can honestly, and i mean this, tell you that this map wont ever leave my harddrive. Its very muchso one of my favorite forged maps ever. There will be many that come in the near future that will try to capture what this map is, but none will quite hit the mark, i can guarantee it. I award you with this grade: A+
this is such a great looking map in my opinion. i most definatly download & probably keep..forever. & this is probably the most descriptive post i have ever seen. damn i wish i could forge like you.
Ooooh, Linu! This looks very exciting! You really don't see too many maps that blend that back room into their maps. From the pics it looks like a natural transition, so I cannot give you enough props for that. I shall be playing this beast this weekend, and you better believe I'll be back with more to say.
This map is origonal and I have never seen any thing like it! Great idea to turn Foundry's bases into something new and origonal. Great work Linubudix. I can't wait for Redeemer. Although, when I release High Voltage soon I want to confirm that when I blocked off the map with a fence wall, it was made way before this map was released. It isn't copying, its just simalar.
this a very epic map.Iremember you showing it to me and Im still in awe of the interlocking,merging,and the sheer design.(you can make a map with the back alley.who knew) the amount of pacience it must of took is phenominal.I cant wait to see your next (incredible) installment.remedy has my offical approval.5/5
I've seen several maps which have done this recently. I don't think its anything that new or special, although it can be a hassle to do such a thing.
Excellent use of interlocking and geomerging. I've never seen someone take so much use of the back areas of Foundry, especially since you used geomerging to your advantage there. It takes some skill to geomerge so perfectly in those tough areas but you did that so neatly. It's very interesting to see a whole entire map like this on Foundry take up so much room but at the same time so many items, as if there were more items used on the map than there actually are given. The fact that hardly any of the map actually takes place on the actual floor of Foundry catches my eyes. This even seems to have teh potential to become an official Halo 3 map and not just a forged map because it gives you that strong feeling like you're not even playing a Foundry level. It feels like a completely different atmosphere. I usually dislike anything as powerful or close to as powerful as the Rocket Launcher respawning on anything less than 120 in maps of this size but with no spare clips and all of the twists and turns of this map, it can be quite difficult at times to perfect the Rocket Launcher's all mighty strength.
Just to clear the air, and to promote my ego lol, the fence box was one of the first things I did. And this was way before there were any tuts on it. But I don't claim it to be my idea or anything like that. Thanks for all the nice comments so far guys. And execllent work on the speedy reply John.
OK, the way I blocked the map off, the fence box is on an angle. And their is a chopper behind it. But if anyone accuses me of stealing this, I will be so frustrated that will throw tomatos at there house. BTW How on Earth did you merge that sign????
This map looks like a total pimp (in maps atleast). It will be featured, I can tell you right now. And I have never been wrong... whatever. The layour and the merging and the interlocking almost made me have a nosebleed, it is so sexxy.
i love the map great merging but i have one question how did you merg the fence into the hallway ivwe tried to do it but i just cant
Wow, linu, this maps looks amazing. I cannot speak for gameplay, but the look of the layout seems like it would be really fun. I like the style that you used. I like how you used walls and bridges, instead of double boxes. The aesthetics look really cool.
I tested this with Furry and a couple other friends, and found no complaints. This map is just amazing, everything flows so well, and if you didn't know about Forge, you'd look at Foundry and at Remedy, and assume they were both completely differently made. Amazing work.
Ah, here it is. I'vve been hearing about his map for quite a while, so before I begin congratulations on finishing Linu. So in case you didn't read any of the previous posts; this map is one of the most original in a while. I love the parts of Foundry you incoorperated into this map. Also I like the merging you did in the back alley. The layout seems nice from what I can see; though it seeems a little open. Nothing to complain about though. I trust your weapon placement, and the map looks great.
Wow! Looks amazing! I love your floors and the geomerging at the window panel place(I don't know what to call it..., the default map area with window panels) I definatly am going to download this and do a forge-through and play test it with some friends. I think I remember hearing something about a new project of yours(unless this was secret) from people whose names I won't reveal. If this was it, then they were right, it does look f'in amazing! 9/10(on account of haven't tried the gameplay yet) Edit: LOL there are over 15 comments and like 168 views and only 13 download!!? What? DOn't comment then just leave.
I love your use of the back hallway. that raises my rating so high it isn't even funny. I also love the smooth floors and interesting geometry. You went all the way linu and for that you get a 10/10. I never really knew you for your forging skill but this just stabbed my leg. You got a good chance of a feature.
This map looks alot like the recent map i made Claustraphobia except a whole lot !! better than mine !! I am amazed great work Linubidix !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DL
this map looks..incredible! like you think were thinking, ive never seen anything like it. gameplay looks awesome and it looks awesome. ima dl this for sure
WOW... this is something truely unique... this map seems to take the useless sections of foundry and give them new meaning, as far as I can see this map has done what few have attempted and many demeaned (lol) impossible... hats off to you... b4 i get my unwanted and clearly unneeded review underway i would like to tell u this reveiw will be lack... i am at a loss of my box at the moment and there for have this post to go off.... and many say why reveiw what u dont no... well i plan to get back so keep your pants on... Gameplay... x/5 i thought i would give this one up but not without due comments... welll the maps few passageways "will" give it a sort of intense play that many maps strive to achevieve... the way the main well areas... are forged look as if they would limit the chances of luck and leave it player to nothing more than gun and nade skills (+1 point 4 u).... the subtle highs and lows give the attackers just what they need when they are out # their sort of small advantage... (once again +1) while the one fence box in the one alley seems to confuse me unless we r talking about one sided asymetrical spawning... if not im lost and therefore will make no comment... I imagine this would make for a great game of CTF... where the flag carrier actually has to put down the flag and help for once... Layout... 4.9/5 I no what ur thinking WTF what happened to my .1% (while actually it wouldnt be % cause then that would be 2% but neways...) While the over layout seems to be very agressive... the lack of cover is probally this maps worst quality whereas it makes it the great map that it is... (i no paradox oxymoron **** going on in this review) the wlkways... are wide which is good... leaving the people enough space to doge nades and bullets likewise... nice work on the layout and using the evr lost parts of foundry most kids didnt even no exsisted... ( i no thats what i said when i heard that statistic)... overall VERY NISE Aesthetics... 4/5 while obviously aesthetics mean nothing in real gameplay and what not and no1 should build maps to look at... but forging is forging... so as it is this is... while i no there where a lot of difficult merges attempted... but some of the things where bumped up a bit (hard to avoid i no) and somethings didnt flow well... the walls seemed out of place... and the map lacked color... nothing that is important but thats how it is... Overall... 5/5 This map gives us ametuers (is that how u spl it LAWL) something to feast upon... the map gives foundry an unfoundry like use... and is like the HOTDOG of foundry... ya i went there this map is the HOTDOG of foundry... lol (that should be a map quote... nice work... on giving foundry a facelift... alright im done now..