The last map I released, The Generators, was a beta for a map that I planned to remake in Reach. But with some of the removals from forge, I find the method I used in halo 3 to be impossible to use in Reach. Basically, in Halo 3, a ghost would flip causing a fusion coil to explode, destroying a gravity lift. After three lifts were destroyed, a fourth would open a final door. However, gravity lifts a not destructible now, and the run-time min/max method wouldn't work. Does anyone know how I can successfully remake this in Reach?
I haven't experimented that much in forge but, what movable object could function as a door? Plus I'm not sure about that - it would be very costy and I'm not sure if it would work 100 percent of the time. I gave it some thought but I'm not sure if this is possible: Could it be set up for invasion so that they must get to 3 places before the next area opens up? Or can that not be done? In other words, the first "attack" would require them to get to all of the locations, not just one like is seem in invasion in matchmaking.
Those are the only movable objects? And yes, I know that capturing a single territory will open a door, but does anyone know if it can be set so you must capture all of the territories in order for the door to open? If all three territories can be open for capture at the start of the game?