Well i had seen one remake and it wasn't quite the best, the creator knew it wasn't and just hoped it had inspired someone to remake one almost to the exact. Well i give you Coagulation 4.0 (seeing as how this will be the 4th version aka Blood Gulch, Coag, Hemorrhage) I'm still working on a name to go along with the "Blood" theme of the maps i was thinking Trauma or something like that. Anywho here is some pics Here is Blue base due to not having enough natural items left i had to make a "collapsed part of the wall for both bases" Here is red's side, i may change the ramps idk right now there all Platform Ramp or w/e its called. Blue Banshee/ Garage area Red Banshee/Garage area This is i believe the garage of blue base, both red and blue have similar basements. I also loaded up coag as i was making this to place the same weapons as halo 2 had, only difference is instead of invis and oversheild i put Armor Lock and Invisibility perks i may change it idk. Anyway this is what i got im going to be play testing this and my other 3 maps this weekend for any who are interested.
i definitely think u should change overshield and camo back lol but hhhmmmm....i think i know which map u r talking about and this definitely looks better ... i may be willing to test but im on at mad weird hours lol .....my one question is r the vehicles faithful to the remake
Ya i was looking at that i know for sure its one scorpion per base 1 default warthog per base and i think just 1 ghost per base although i may add 1 mongoose per base also. Yeah the more i play on it the more activ camo and oversheild would work better than the perks.
No i know it looks like you would but if you just fly straight you come right up and out also boosting its pretty gradual for those just in case when you jack the other teams banshee =)