Remains is a forgotten wasteland of the sand people these people where ran out of the village by brutes its here to comemerate the lost soldiers protecting there land. Weapons: 10x battlerifles 2x bruteshot 2x needler 2x spiker 2x smg 1x sword 2x plazma rifles 2x plazma pistols 4x magnums 1xfuelrod cannon 1x beam rifle Grenades: 4x frag 6x plazma power items: 1x bubble shield 1x regenerator 1x power drain 1x overshield screnshots: [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] Holds most gametypes Remains Code: [/URL][url=] : Halo 3 File Details[/url][URL=""]
Pros: Nice layout and aesthetics. The weapons and equipment have a great layout as well. Cons: A fuel rod cannon? The fuel rod cannon was the only flaw I saw on this map, maybe exchange it with a sniper.
Thanks for the first and nicest comment i have had. Yes the fuel rod is a bad weapon choice but rockets are to strong for this size map and 2 snipers in the same vicinty is gay so fuel rod it had to be
How about rockets with no spare clips? The map looks very nice, I like what I assume are lifts one each side, Ia ssume there are other ways to top middle? Otherwise it seems like ti would be too easy to control and dominate the gameplay a little. The lines of sight look interesting and it seems you have used different height levels very efficiently. A solid 4/5 and a DL EDIT: Just had a quick forge-through, the starting spawns need a little tweaking, as they seem to be just dropped there, and I can imagine people walking into eachother at the start of games. Some areas need smoothing out, and I don't think you need six sticky grenades on top mid, as the other team will get nade-spammed. I liked how, if you wanted to grab ovy, you couldn't camp at top middle (much like Cubed) but i didn't like how you could grab sword, ovy and a ubble shield in one jump. I liked the grav lifts that chucked you onto the little platform next to top-mid, but I think you should integrate a way of running up to the top, as it looks very easy to control. I think the fuel-rod and beam rifle should be swapped for 1 human sniper and/or a rocket launcher. You should definately consider a v2, smoothing the layout and perfecting the weapon layouts. Good luck & hope I helped R
thanks for the detailed comment i very glad someone posted actually. Emm... Yer. i totally understand your ideas have very much encouraged me to make v2 thanks add me as a friend maybe you could tag along on verson 2 Gt: i2 NINJA 4u
Ok no problem, but I have to go to school now, so perhaps it would be best if you f/r me? GT - Sidekickboy You could give me some inspiration on a couple of my maps too R
I've sent you a friends request don't know if your there now but see you later ill be on most of the time this week peace Ninja!