Yeah. My first ever graphic thingy. Not a sig. It was a pretty simple blend, and I thought it turned out awsum. I tried to maintain that atmosphere effect, where deeper in the atmosphere is more blended, and further out is completely blended. V1 V2 EDIT: Made a V2. I got this idea from B_W_C btw. Tell me what you think, and how I can improve. Also, can you guys link me to some GIMP brushes?
Thanks. I'll upload a V2, and see how the people react. I wanted to blend the superintendent logo in, but I couldn't find a place for him. EDIT: Here's the stockz
Couldn't get those logos out though, I wanted the IGN one do you take them out? I'll do a V3 without the logos.
To Remove Logos: 1. Take the clone tool and alt-click an area just below what you want to take out. 2. Paint over a small portion of the bottom of the text. 3. Alt-click the same point as before. 4. Paint over a little more of the logo. Repeat steps 3-4 until the logo is gone. 5. Take the Healing Brush and alt-click an area just above the text, and set its hardness to 0. 6. Brush over the top half of the text. 7. If there are any inconsistencies in the color, use a combination of the blur, smudge, and healing brush tools to fix them. I like V1 better than V2, but I think that the best would be a medium between the two.