Rellekka <<Download>> Brief Description: This over confident facility that I built took around 2 months. I must give my self a congradulations. This asymetrical team game map is truley amazing. Its vast battle field, and raging fights will leave you on your toes and screaming for more. This map set up is beyond. And I couldn't be more proud with the overall map. With its orginal weapon balance and wonderful structures and creativity, I present to you Rellekka! Weapon Balance: 1 overshield 1 sniper rifle 1 spartan laser 1 mongoose 2 spikers 2 smg 2 plasma pistols 1 buble shield 1 power drain 3 carbines 2 ar 5 br 4 spiker nades 4 frag nades Author: Plier Supported gametypes: 2-6 players Team slayer ffa ctf 1flag Special thanks to: regenerate 1 celcium havey ftw itz have josh d havey priceownz22 back f0r more [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL]
Press enter after the URL of each picture, ive never had to side scroll so far in my life. The map looks really clean and well merged, while im interested in the walkways and stuff I noticed the ground itself was pretty bare. Its understandable if there were budget or item limit problems. I would also like to ask you about the BR tower at the back. Thats original from what ive seen and is a great way to block off that doorway while making a structure. Nice map, not so nice thread.
nice map! I like the way you set up the whole design you have there, the interlocking also looks great along with layout. The geomerging looks good as well, but by the looks of your pics in pic #8 I cannot tell if you fused the double box in the wall so if you haven't I would do that but if you did then good job. The overall of this map seems amazing great Job!
how does it look bare? half the items are geo merged and geomerging isnt always necessary and theres tons of cover, I tested it and everything we played slayer and ctf trust me there was cover, and dont comment about that stuff unless you dl it and atleast had a forge through
Relekka is the fremminik place on Runescape. And, I thinks it's picture 4, it looks VERY bare there. A corner wall, 2 ramp walls and a double box for cover? Also the walkways have little cover. I would forgethrough but my xbox is on its way to germany for repair so bear with me for only commenting on pictures.
actually its height advantage is the cover, i didnt want to add a lot of cover there because there is a spartan laser and the more cover in a higher space the move camping and battles will be there, so I wanted to even out the hole battle field also thanks for clarifying why people say my map is from runescape.
Now this is an excelent map. Good job. I can see this map going to be feutured. I love the interlocking and merging. 5/5 You got my dl.
thanks a lot man, i would like to see it be featured but it probably wont, it doesnt matter though im still excited with the overall map
looks pretty sick dude, your structures are a win. i really like how the whole map is connected by various walkways, they really add to the overall verticle feel of the map, and they're geomerged very bien .
thanks a lot dude, i tried to make the map like that as much as possible because i hate playing on a map, and you cant get to one side to the other so its really annoying