RElim Chamber is a remake of my Halo 3 Mini-Game map Elim Chamber. Real original names I know. Anywho, this map is based around the tried and true gametype dodgeball but with my own twist. When someone dies, they are put into Purgatory which is located at the back right portion of each side. Your allies will re-spawn in those areas on the enemy side so you can see them queuing up. To release them, land a grenade in the big glowing rectangle at the back of the enemy base to release 1-2 teammates. This game will provide at least on par if not better experience than its Halo 3 predecessor. A few nifty improvements are as follows: -Grenades no longer move around and get pushed to one side of the map or the other so you can always get your hands on them little buggers. -The center is divided by not only a kill barrier but also teleporters so you get teleported back to your side of the field if you try to pass. The kill barrier is just there for redundancy should the teleporters get overwhelmed. Woot redundancy! -There are two fail-safes built into this map should you get stuck in the new CRM mechanism (I think it has something to do with net code that people get stuck). One is if you simply jump you will be taken out. I may have alleviated this issue by adding some one-way shield doors to the bottom of it to basically 'auto-jumps' you if you happen to get stuck but that needs testing. If for whatever reason that fails, after 10 seconds you will be put back into Purgatory for your team to try again. -As you can see from the photos below, the field is also a LOT wider than in Halo 3! The map still needs a bit of play testing to ensure everything works as advertised before I finally release it but, I am hoping to have it out the door by a week or two. I will be scheduling a test with the testers guild in the not too distant future to ensure it is up to snuff. Any questions/comments are welcome! Click images to view the pics in high-res!