Debate Religous Problems with Video Games

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Darkdragon, Jun 24, 2008.

  1. Trickmyster

    Trickmyster Ancient
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    This is exactly how I feel and I completely agree, if I was living during that time and I had no idea what caused lighting, fire, etc.. I too would make up a higher being in order to answer my questions.
  2. cando4u

    cando4u Ancient
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    The Fact That They Evolve Is Why There Going Crazy Because The Church Doesnt Want To Except That We Evolved From Chimpanzies. They Believe That We Were Always "Perfect" Because "God" Made Us That Way. I Beg To Differ On Us Being "Perfect" So All i Can Say To Them Is This
    dented_drum likes this.
  3. Link Gray

    Link Gray Ancient
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    Religious NUTS?

    I understand you disliking religion because of what some people make it to be, but there is absolutely NO excuse for being that disrespectful.

    If you want to have a childish FIGHT, go do so somewhere else. But this is the debate section, so grow up.

    Edit: Sorry if I just bumped this thread. I stumbled upon this from another thread and felt inclined to respond to this guy.
  4. Zaffaman

    Zaffaman Ancient
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    By religious nuts, he`s apparently referring to the extremists, not everyone who follows said religion.
  5. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    you are so right...
    i hate when people dont even read the whole post...
  6. Link Gray

    Link Gray Ancient
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    I don't understand.

    Please explain to me how "religious nuts" is referring to only extremists. "religious nuts" sounds pretty widespread to me.

    Also, I read his entire post. I still don't see how he was only talking about extremists. And if he was, he should've worded it better, because "religious nuts" does not mean "extremist nuts".
  7. attacaine

    attacaine Ancient
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    You know, idiocy is not the answer to idiocy. Christians aren't all people who complain about every little thing. The Pope himself said that Pokemon is simply an exercise in imagination and is no harm. Of course there are idiotic extremists who can find reasons to get pissed off about anything, but generalizing a group of people because of some extremists is just as bad. Bigotry and prejudice are not the answer to extremism.
  8. Zaffaman

    Zaffaman Ancient
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    It`s kind of a given, really. When someone calls a group "nuts" they`re usually referring to the extremists of said group. I guess that`s just how it works, hmm.
  9. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    I'm very Catholic, and I still play Halo 3. This doesn't mean I'm a nut, he meant someone who goes over the top (Hitler). Hitler is a great comparison, because he slaughtered, burned, and tortured Jews if they didn't believe in Christianity. See how wrong that is? That's what he was referring to. I see how you wold take offense at that, so perhaps he did word it a little carelessly.
  10. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    I'd post an intelligent retort, but there seems to be no resource reference for any of your claims. Links help us understand where you're coming from. Those of us who show up for something other than just bitching at people who we disagree with would like a purposeful debate. Links to where you found said information greatly assists in this.
  11. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    sorry for necro but, unfortunatly, i saw this like a year ago on the nintendo forums, and lost the link, and that was of course the dumbest thing i remember.
    sorry, i think it was a gamehandbook or somthing .com
  12. vash3k

    vash3k Ancient
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    You know, it's funny but one of my most favorite video game characters is Half Life 2's Father Grigori, the Russian Orthodox Christian priest who helps you (Gordon Freeman) in escaping a town full of zombies. People describe him as a little crazy, but I see him as this positive thinker who, driven by his Christian faith, really feels for his fellow townspeople who suffer in their zombie state. I think he is a great example (although small) of religion in games. Yet not many religious groups seem to refer to the areas of gaming such as this.

    As an orthodox Catholic living in America, I am occasionally slandered and discriminated against by a handful Fundamentalists and non-religious. However, that doesn't make it right for me to shoot some nasty comment back. Proselytism is a problem, no doubt, but trust me, the Proselytes only want you to hear their message to add fuel to the fire. Proselytism is a rejection of faith and respect in hope for publicity and uniformity.

    But we can squelch them by ignoring them. Draw attention where it is most appropriate and needed: Great games and new ideas!

    (Oh and by the way, a little off topic, but some of us deeply conservative Christians watch and LOVE South Park to death. Yes, it is possible.) ;)
  13. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    I am religious, a christian to be exact, and i still love shooting guys and fighting to the death as much as the next guy. My parents are VERY religious, and they buy me the games, and watch me play them. I think it is just all up to your point of view, opinions decide whether or not these games are good or not.

    oh lol this made me think of a game i saw one time, it was called: "The Bible Game" and apparently it was a legit video game of the bible! lol
  14. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    agreed. Everything you said i agree with. My parents are aswell very religious.
    my dad actually bought that for me when i was like 6 =D but it was a board game
  15. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    no dude, i saw it in gamestop, it was a video game, I'm sure there are game boards, but this was a video game! lol
  16. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    It's just those radical people who say that. It's the same people who put Doctor Seuss on the banned books list. Anything not aligned with their religion is a no-go for them. I tend to just laugh in their direction and then walk away.
  17. l Himitsu l

    l Himitsu l Ancient
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    well religions have every right to, it offends their church doctrine so of course. i love pokemon, ive loved it for the past 14 years. i have a seminarian friend that also likes pokemon he grew up with pokemon and occassionally we strike up a pokemon conversation. video games and shows with morals like pokemon are okay in the catholic church...on the other hand pokemon has offended other parties for stupid reasons...for example the pokemon jinx was attacked by the african americans because it was supposed to be based of a "african american drag queen"...which IS retarded
  18. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    That's what I mean. There are so many BS reasons that are given against video games or some banned books and such.
  19. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    But almost every game would offend a religion is some way if they really looked for it, i just mean mainly the people who ban games for the littlest thing like not everyone being *insert random religion*

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