Debate Religous Problems with Video Games

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Darkdragon, Jun 24, 2008.

  1. Zaffaman

    Zaffaman Ancient
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    Y`know, I`m surprised Spore hasn`t come under fire from hardcore Christians yet. I mean, there`s a heavy Darwinist theme to it, and, even if you ignore that, you still pretty much get to play God.
  2. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    95% of the people who would attack it, have never heard of it.
  3. Zaffaman

    Zaffaman Ancient
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    Ahh, that explains it.
  4. desert rat 852

    desert rat 852 Ancient
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    Im a definate Christian, Ive got a story to tell.

    Time: 1:00 p.m.

    I had finally gotten the game of my dreams.

    The game was Halo: Combat Evolved. My parents had been so nice as to Bundle this game with my Halo edition Xbox. Locked in my room, I sat down and starting grinding away at the story. By the time i was starting my beach assault on The Silent Cartographer, My parents were throwing a christmas party for the family, and my grandmother knocked on my door. I opened it, and she handed me my present. Before I opened it, she introduced me to her friend. He was a Priest from her Church, and he wanted to meet me. He asked me what I was playing, and so I explained the story of the game so far with all the backstory as well. After I finished, I said the game threw you into the shoes of a bionic soldier known as Master Chief, but the alien Covenant called him the Demon.

    At this point, he stood up and screamed" You Satanical Bastard!" and slapped me across the face. He then took out a mallet, Smashed my $250 dollar Xbox to pieces, and stormed out of my room to crash the party in the kitchen by throwing all of our plates to the floor.

    As you can imagine, my heart was shattered.

    I managed to pull Halo:CE out of the half open disc tray, it didnt suffer a scratch.

    My parents bought me a new Halo edition Xbox, and demanded that the priest pay for the damages. The Churches senior priest promptly fired the man, banning him from the church.
    He also helped my parents out by paying the damages. But that day will forever live in my mind.

    My point is is that sometimes one christian will go out on a limb about an issue, and that issue may be just fine with other christians, but not for that one person. Ive seen other people bring Yu-Gi-Oh and pokeman up in our church, and massive arguments break out because of it. I have friends there who arent even allowed to watch TV because of religious problems.
    Personnaly i think its a bunch of bull, but others have their own opinions.
    Nobody is ever going to win this argument, but i hope somebody has the guts to draw a line in the sand, and let each side do whatever they want with their lives.

    Desert Rat 852
    Lone Deity likes this.
  5. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    im a strong christian, but i can say that sometimes people can get overworked about there religion, but its just because it becomes a lifestyle, and you can get easily hardcore about it, this isnt something thats really important though. i can see how it would get annoying
  6. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    seeing how this is a gaming website. good luck finding anyone to disagree with you
  7. Prophet of Heresy

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    im sorry but i have to say this and please dont flame me but if you are hardcore catholic you do not have the right to criticize anything because for all you know it might be a sin in you screwed up religion
  8. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I don't know why churches are always blaming things like that for problems. It is probably because one parent takes issue because they don't have control over their child, and then the entire community is up at arms about something that a Japanese guy, trying to make a living, came up with 10 years ago. IMO
  9. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    and big boswell says that these kind of people have no problems
    and i doubt you would play halo at all,uch less look at maps
    i mean, you spell correctly and you would have rated at least 1, and all your posts are on this topic

    and about todays problems, its called government
  10. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    I agree with the yu-gi-oh... I hate that game because all the cards look like monsters from hell... Not good on Christians. As for Pokemon, why would anyone hate that.

    I'm Christian.
  11. The God of Grunge


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    Playing God? Darwinism? Something Christianity is agianst? Epic ****ing win.

    Anyway, I am barley, barley, BARLEY Christian, I don't care about games.

    @ RadiantRain

    I know, seriously, some of those yu-gi-oh cards look like Satan spawn.
  12. Black Magic105

    Black Magic105 Ancient
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    yeah but i mean who will think that halo 3 is bad for people the game i think should be rated T
  13. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    magic discussion about what you said was in the Should kids be laying halo 3, there is some halo mentioned here, but this is about RELIGOUS probs with games
  14. IEklypseI

    IEklypseI Ancient
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    I'm an atheist, and probably nowhere remotely close to a good human being, but this is my take on it. Don't get offended by anything I say (type), because I'm trying to make this all as unbiased as possible while still retaining a point.

    Edit: I accidentally posted before this was done, ignore until finished.

    Religion was created by the first "humans" in order to explain what could not be understood. For example, there is fire, but nobody can justify what it is or why it exists or has been created. Therefore, an imaginary "higher power" is thought up and the phenomenon is said to be his, her, its, or their doing. See, humankind doesn't like not knowing why or how something happens. It scares us. So, we fill in the blanks with our own reasoning. That would be religion.
    Onto the various religions:
    I AM NOT BASHING ANY OF THE FOLLOWING OR OTHER UNMENTIONED RELIGIONS. Or, if I did then it was unintentional and I'll correct myself. Christianity is one of the main religions that people think of when the topic is brought up. This is what I have observed: Christianity is founded in the ways of Christ and the Bible. Then, power-hungry men took these teachings and implemented a structure to them in order to control others. Notice how the Bible makes no mention of the Papacy? Over the many centuries, Christians have been twisted and the religion deviated from its origins. This is not true to all Christians, not in any sense. However, it is also undeniable that this has happened. If people truly accepted the ways of Christ and all the "love thy neighbor" concepts, then there would not have been the Crusades. Also, the Bible is not the absolute and final law of the world. It is a collection of fables and stories that teach the basic beliefs of Christianity, and should be thought of as more of a guide on how to live like a good person. Other religions, such as Islam, have gone through similar events. Violence is often used to force heretics to follow the ways that are believed by others.

    That all being said, I begin the point: The problem is not with the religion or the beliefs. It is not with the people who follow them. It is with people get so overzealous and absorbed in their religions and ways that they try to force the beliefs on others. They lose sight of the basic teachings and, instead of living as a good human, resort to ranting and protesting at anything that goes against their beloved religion. I have noticed that people are offended because others act in ways their religion would not permit, but moreso because these people are acting with complete disregard to something so beloved and cherished to them. The religious zealot often finds that this cannot be tolerated because they allow the selfishness in them to believe that "their way is the only way," and do anything they can to force that way onto others. It is when religious obsession reaches this point that people lash out at anything that could be viewed as "heresy" or "difference."

    Often times, the violence and harshness of video games is the target. Corporations are attacked for the slightest hint of blood, gore, religion, or difference because they have stepped on the toes of the zealots by not completely appealing to their way of life. It will always be impossible to please everyone, and these fanatics need to realize that. After they see it that way, they need to understand that they will not always be the ones who need to be pleased. It is the selfish and consumed people who take their religion's teachings overboard that draw criticism to the religion as a whole. And on that note, it is also completely unfair for anyone to accuse one religion of being that way when only the zealots are guilty.

    In short, it is everyone's fault in some way, but in this case, the religious nutcases need to lighten up and realize that different people have different views on what is acceptable, and they should live with that. They need to stop being so absorbed in their religion that it becomes absolute instead of a guide to living.
    #54 IEklypseI, Aug 13, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2008
  15. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Wow... Who is going to read that...
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  16. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    well i did...
    and i think he is absolutely right...
  17. The God of Grunge


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    I read it all, senior atheist. I agree completely, and this is the way I've always felt.
  18. attacaine

    attacaine Ancient
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    Yeah, because calling other people's religions screwed up seems like a perfect way not to be flamed. Honestly, who raised you? (Plus, I think someone who belongs to a religion is in a better condition to judge what is right and wrong in said religion than you are)

    Anyway, on topic, the thing that gets me annoyed is when people try to get games removed, destroyed, etc, from other people. If you feel that it violates your religion, fine, don't play it. But everyone has a right to their opinion and beliefs. It's one thing if the game actively attacks your beliefs, (since bigotry is a different matter) but if you just don't like what the game has to say (whether it be about evolution, magic, or anything else) don't try to spoil it for everyone else. Live and let live.
  19. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    There are so many different types of christianity that it's really illogical to make stereotypes like this, if you see what I mean. Everyone has a right! Beautiful quote. Free will! It would be like communism to stop people from branching out and being who they are. Any kind of **** game where you kill Jews, attack that. But Halo 3 has no reference to any sort of religion. It is completely neutral. Listen to this, and heed my warning. You WILL get flamed, Boswell.
  20. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    What about Ninja Gaiden 2, you can cut off body parts, sometimes overly agressive with an huge axe.

    And Pokemon? Woah, I didn't knew some religiouns could be so weeny.

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