Oh here you go, this is a good one! Does music affect you or your religion any which way? If it does, and it's bad for you, do you still listen to it? Discuss.
Music influences everything/everyone. Steve jobs believed you can know a lot about a person by the music they listen to, which I think is true too. Does religion use it? Yus. It's a subjective art form. On a similar note, what do people have to say about existentialism? Just curious
Considering how many people have their entire collections in iTunes/iPods/iPhones etc. that's actually kinda sinister.
..that's what you got out of it. Sure, based on the presumption that Jobs was an insincere money grabber, but I'm reading the book right now and I can't say entirely the same. He was strange, let's just leave it at that. That's all besides the point though, you can learn a lot by what people preference, especially music. @RoboArtist: Nice find, I'm skeptical, but it doesn't mean you can't get anything out of it. @Zigywig.. wat do you mean?
What answer are you expecting? By virtue of the thread having many pages of content then obviously yes. The original intent of the op was to discuss religion and not debate it but as that is more or less impossible the thread has turned to more of a debate issue but has still remained mostly civil
Alright people, starting to stray off-topic...... Remember this is about religion in our lives. Not a FAQ.
..first off, you're not a mod. Second, we're not off topic. Third, as religion is basically one of the largest questions...it is essentially a FAQ.
*Or lack thereof. imo, this debate has stagnated but not tired. Unless someone is willing to revitalize the topic with some contendable questions that both sides can provide a case for and then converse over new disputes, or think of a new topic, i don't see a need to continue contributing without repeating things i have already said.
I consider myself agnostic above all else. As much as I'd like to acknowledge a higher power or an afterlife (as it would certainly make accepting death much easier), science in its present form denies me from making such an assumption.
I Approve. I just don't believe in God, but I respect the fact that other people believe in God, even if I don't understand it myself. Yes, the world is not infinite. Now that we know the world get only get so small, it can only get so big. My question is, what is at the end of space? What shape is it? These are questions that probably will never be proven by mankind. Not they won't try, of course. Us "non-believers" are making this more an astronomy thread, and for that I apologize. You cannot find a logical explanation for religion, or what is after death, until you've been there, done that. Which by that time you couldn't tell anybody. Whatever is after death is arguably the best kept secret out there.