Relay is a BTB, multi-flag CTF and stockpile map. Both teams spawn in symmetric tunnels beneath the map. The tunnels have to entrances and each entrance is opposite the other teams tunnel entrance. The map features 2 warthogs and 4 [insert plural of mongoose here]. The large walkways limit the effectiveness of the warthogs to reduce quick flag captures as soon as the carrier leaves the tunnels. Blue team spawn Red team spawn Tunnel entrance #1 Tunnel entrance #2 Overview #1 The spire which the map is based around Overview #2 Please enjoy and leave feedback!
Other than all the long narrow bridges, the layout is actually pretty decent. If you change anything on this map, look into widening or shortening those first. That might cut back the player count, but I could see a 6v6 version of this map working surprisingly well. Also, You should look into building this into the gultch. Might give you some much needed color contrast. All I see is grey, which makes it hard to orient on spawn. And all the hills might give you additional ways up to those walkways which could solve your "long and narrow bridge" dilemma. Other than that, the weapon placement seems tight, butI havn't gotten a game on this yet so i'm not sure about the spawns. I'll post back here once I've had a go at this.
I think everyone knows that you have 3 accounts that you comment your own maps on.. Anyways, I guess the spire is unique, everything looks blocky, and you also used ramp stunts which is a no no in my book. They don't fit the color scheme, also the map is ridiculously open. It just looks thrown together especially with the use of so many pre made pieces.
It would seem this way but no, we just tell each other on Xbox when we have posted a map and some of us...(Wight Jaguar) post random pointless comments.
Omfg these proxy accounts are full of win... Tbh the map doesnt look good at all so Wight Jaguar is either blind or stupid. I mean, the map is literally some prefab 3 story towers, some sloppily placed coliseum walls, a handful of poorly placed large walkways, and something in the middle (that resembles nothing at all). To humor you, ill play it and report back on the probably poor gameplay. Btw, might i suggest having you map tested before you release it?
People on this forum have gone from bad to worse in the five months i've been gone. I mean, really guys? Post something in a respectful manner, or don't bother at all. Whether he's using proxy accounts or not is irrelevant to the map itself. And please don't hide behind the "oh, i'm just trying to be a cool and honest fellow" mask so many have taken to as of late. Nobodies is buying it. Go be an ass somewhere else. We're here to help people create better maps, not engage in high school level drama. EDIT: On topic: having spent a bit more time with this map in forge, I really feel you should scale it down to a 6v6 or possibly even 4v4. BTB is nice and all, but I feel this design would be better suited to a more defined and less open style of gameplay. I also still hope you will consider rebuilding in the Gultch, or even the Alaska or Montana areas.
I nom'd your Dead Streets for best Objective. Anyway, I agree, this map just has the feel of a 4v4. It should be scaled down for that. It kind of reminds me of Asylum with the bridges in the middle.
cant give an honest rate with how it playes, me nd a friend 1v1 lmao took forever. anyways, the rockets nd alien rockets seem much especualy with cuncusion rifles to. nd the map does seem realy realy open. areas in the tunel looked sloppy. work on it, there still is alot u do have going for u with this map, im def. willing to try a v2