Reiteration This map has been released! Reiteration is a complete re-imagining of one of the first forge maps I ever made, India (Iteration). I have greatly improved the look and gameplay aspects of this map through several methods I will discuss upon release of the map, you'll probably be able to guess at least some of them by looking at the pictures and comparing to the original thread which is linked below. I don't have a hard release date yet but I would expect it to take a week or two as I continue tweaking bits of the map and reviewing and testing with experienced forgers to get every detail perfect. Original map here
I really like the aesthetics here, man. You used the object lights to contribute to your map instead of just being there shining weirdly on other objects nearby. The one shining on the plasma pistol is so dope. I never knew the lights on the objects could be so strong. The destroyed look is really working too, especially the caved in ceiling. I just hope this will play as good as it looks
Thank you Frozenlynx, I have high hopes for this one. I've collected about six months worth of feedback from the earlier version of the map to use in the recreation of it. As far as gameplay goes I have made a number of improvements to reduce congestion, improve cover, prevent camping, eliminate spawn killing, and improve the over all flow. I've also changed the power weapons on the map to provide incentive and increased traffic flow to other areas of the map, I also did this by altering objectives and spawn zones. The changes I made are pretty comprehensive and very little of the map was untouched but I managed to keep the basic layout intact.
Just a little tip on flooring, if you move the 2x2s slightly closer together, not using coordinate snap, it will eliminate the small, ugly bump between them. Everything else about this looks absolutely stunning.
This looks really nice actually. I can't speak for the gameplay, but that delapidated room looks cool and unique and the map in general looks very good. Hopefully I'll get to play this sometime.