Ruby "Beware the red light..." ___________________________ **(Before I begin, the map name has been changed from Regice to Ruby, that's why above it says Ruby, but the thread is Regice.)** Ruby drew inspiration from one of the lifts on Sequence, along with Sequence's death pits. However, the death pits in this map are only under lifts, very hard to fall into. AND are marked with red lights, so I assume there should be no problem with that. It's set up for 2-4 players, 1v1, 2v2 or FFA, and may be a little hectic for some even with 4, its so small. It may seem open, but the only reason it seems like it would be hard to find something to block incoming fire is because the hallways are empty, (No pillars, cover, ect.) but they are easy to run around and assume cover. Especially with its custom gametype with unlimited sprint. Lines of sights are blocked between floors, mostly, so controlling the top only gives you power weapons, not any height advantage really. The height advantage is especially lost with the three lifts that take you up from bottom to top. ______________________ Now, the rest of the screenshots... Any comments are greatly appreciated, as well as anyone who wants to test! [br][/br]Edited by merge: I played this with a couple of online randoms, and I thought it played great. So this is skipping the Testers Guild and going straight into the Reach Competitive Maps. Watch out for it!