why thx glad to see ppl r actually playing on it instead of just saying 4/5 lol... n i no those took me a while lol... actually not i have a very simple stratagy.... that 60% of the time it works all the time.... n ya im considering a v.2 but i want to see if tehre is enough want for it... or i could just start a new map ::> and recruit STC Blaski45 again
why thank u tho took a little bit a time a lot of tweeking and editing n they still aren't perfect but we moved on to bigger issues... but thx simple and i didn't start it found it in Paragon sure u heard of it just saying i dont deserve credit for it i just made it vertical and added a weapon holder n a bit of EPICNESS then Whallla
I think this map has a very original and creative layout. I like the small aesthetic features you added then and there throughout the map to make it more playable. Im glad you got a lot of testing pics in there it helps to determine what the map looks like Good Job 4.7/5
thanks again... ya we tested this about 100 matches lol n got WHEN R U GOING TO POST IT??? alot... n ppl kept asking if they could test the map again lol it gave me Happy butterflies lol... n the aethetics i did mainly well STC edited the layout... now u should try playing on it if u like 10 sec life constant war... and an epic game of bomb... lol n no there isnt to much spawn killing b/c u cant be damaged for 2 sec... giving u a chance but not making it overpowering... thx for the comment tho...
Nice Boyle.This is a very nice map for your first map. I see alot of geomerging and interlocking.From the pictures the map looks pretty amazing.The captions to the pictures were funny.Nice job on the map.I'll probably dl. I give the map a 4/5
Thx Handicap... prob. whats that sopossed to mean lol please do DL and try it out i would love to get some opinions i am contemplating building a V.2 just wanting to no if there is interest n this is kinda a test to to see what the community thinks of small ACTION packed maps... i find them exciting and good for telling who the real better team is but am seeing if there is enough intrest for me to build i new map w/ the same type of gameplay and such...
The way the BR's are held is a clever idea using the A/B sign rims to outline it. Not the best layout but the interlocking is remarkable. 4/5
i've played multiple games on this and i think-- The good: the middle structure and mancannon and everything in the center was amazing!! really well layed out and it works really good for shifting control -the bottom of the middle and the floors kind of around it work really well The bad: the bases are really bare and u get spawn camped for multiple kills really easily, even in a 1 v 1 i got spawn camped like 4 times in a row.... maybe try widening the part where the base is so there are cubbies in the side, and putting some cover on the upper lvl and then u could probably spawn with a little less worry i give it a 3.5/5 for now but with new bases this is easily a 5/5 from me
actually u would be quite suprised how well the layout plays... it is excellent can't think of what to change mayB slightly more cover... and the sign idea i stole 45% of from paragon... but thank u glad to see that extra hr paid off were u playing w/ the suggested gametypes b/c w/ those there is no spawn camping... if u want to fix give 2 sec. spawn invurnability and that will do the trick... and no nades for nething but slay... and br start that should clear that prob up... but thax the middle struc and man C are my favorit part too. why thank you... have u actually played a game on it b/c i must say when showing it off ppls imidiate response is this look nice but after playing it was more like CAN WE PLAY AGAIN or wow lets do that again or why do i have the F**&^*( guest hes a noob he went -54 lol....
most of the objects , ezpecially the boxxe are extremely crooked and do not look like it was intended on do you think that you could make a much neater version of this map to earn my download and possibly another 100 more or so...?
well actually they are not as bad as they look but some r tilted a bit thats b/c EVERY one of them is geomerged... not to mention that we didnt use the tele porter method and i am considering making it bigger for a v.2 but i donno if there is much interest seeing as i have far better map designs coming...
Hey man i love the map and the name because there very creative. The map is amazing. i rate this map a 5/5
For Those who read this, I'm making another map and it is 10 times as good as this piece of garbage that i made so when i comes out you all need to look at it and download it and stuff! YEAH!
Overall, I'd say the map looks great, just as far as the way it's put together. However, I can't imagine how the gameplay would play out well with that much open space. The it seems as if the only cover in the main part of the map is a barrier or two, which is definitely going to cause problems. I think that if you decide to make a v2, add some immovable scenery to add for more cover.
Plz... let this die... it was necro'd always check that... thx for ur commment tho... and that is not at all true movable objects move than what r their would ruin it... it is an intense Mlgish map not a hide here hide there it is something im no longer proud of and neither is Blaski the person who made 9/10ths of it so please LET THIS DIE NO1 POST Mods when u get here pleasse lock