
Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by chrstphrbrnnn, Feb 23, 2009.


What do you think of this map?

  1. Not my style

  2. Okay

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great

  1. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    Man do I remember Redeemer. This is one of my favorites and it definitely deserved to get this feature. I really love how you made this able to carry a ghost, cause you rarely see a foundry map with one in it.
    I love the layout, and everything seems so smooth and I also remember gameplay played very well, so congrats on the feature.
  2. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Redeemer was expected to get featured by most people since its release. I have played on it several times, and it never disappoints. My personal favorite games on this were Shotty Snipers and Team Slayer. They were all oh so fun.

    Congrats on the feature guys! BTW, nice write-up too.

    BTW again.....700 post FTW. LOL.
  3. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    great map, i downloaded this as soon as i saw it featured. i think it is a well-deserved feature, gameplay is awesome. one thing that i like about it is that it combines claustrophobic and long-range play in a seamless way. terrific job. it's a very competitive map, one that i haven't seen for a while.
  4. Pomegrenade

    Pomegrenade Ancient
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    first off congrats on the feature cause this map deffinately deserves it with all of its absolutely outstanding interlocking; above that with all the little details u added this map is really fun 5/5
  5. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    well well wellidy well well then if it isn yet another feature by one of the more respected pair of forgers.
    if im not mistaken, this map had the C CHUCK memorial,(cordiroychuck for those to new to understand...) there was love and lose in this map, i had loved the ghost, but then lost it many atime in my many games on thy map linu and thesilence.
    also i had quite a match of extermination on this map, keep up the work linu and thesilence, maybe you guys could make a brute hirerarchy map with linu's insane geomerging skill and thesilence's foresight.
  6. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    Why are people posting such deep thoughts in this thread? Oh well-

    Ah Redeemer, the first time I was first bestowed with the honor of gracing this map I had visions of my friend Jesus sitting beside me, chuckling, laughing, and being a jolly sport lobbing grenades with me, driving the Ghost around the concourse and splattering the silly children dancing in the courtyards.
  7. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    This map gives me a feeling that I'm sure all of you can relate to.

    Say you're about to take a long road trip, and as you pull out of the driveway you think, "I'm gonna have to pee. ****.", and as you continue to drive, you decide that you'll just hold it until you get to a gas station because you could also use a fill-up and maybe a Dr Pepper. So you get to the gas station, and while you're filling up, you notice a line for the men's bathroom. **** it, you think, I can make it. If nothing else holding it in will keep me from falling asleep at the wheel.

    Cut to 5 miles to your destination, and you're dancing in your seat you have to piss so bad. Almost there, you don't want to stop because you're making such good time. Best yet. It seems that you notice every establishment that has a restroom, and every one of them is calling out to you. Your bladder responds to this summons by further straining against your already loosened jeans. C'mon, bladder. Almost there, I can see the turn off to the house.

    As you pull into the driveway, it feels like you've got a fire hose that's about to explode in your pants. God, I hope she doesn't squeeze me too tight.

    You try and act natural, and pretend that you're happy to see her. The reality is that you'd rather piss all over the floor and her four cats than have to answer another stupid ****ing question about how the drive was. You can see the open bathroom over her shoulder and it's closed mouth taunts you, mocking your pain.

    Finally, the time arrives. As you shut the door calmly, your body decides it's had enough and wants to race you to the toilet. It's coming out baby, ready or not. The seat is inches away. Why the **** is it always DOWN?! Deftly unzipping your pants and lifting the lid, the culmination of your troubles comes...



    That's the feeling I have whenever I play this map. Congratulations on the feature, gentlemen. It's well worth it.
  8. SM3JAY

    SM3JAY Ancient
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    This map is awesome! The overall layout is really well balanced. This is one of the few featured maps that i think absolutely belongs there. i give a 4.5/5 for it just being incredibly neat and original
  9. Limie

    Limie Ancient
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    im happy bout all of the great foundry maps
    but all im looking for is a good blackout map
  10. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    i like the layout of this map the most. it feels very balanced and has potential for both teams to win. i like the general look of it. its really nice. props for getting it featured.
  11. Born 0n Board

    Born 0n Board Ancient
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    Agreed. This map is my favorite map thus far to use all of Foundry.

    Aside from having some sick KotH games and slayer the extermination variant created by silence lent itself very well to Redeemer. Franky I think you and Linu should forge more often seeing the result.

    Small perks like the shield door windows, the awning over the back parts of Foundry and the slightly tricky rocket jump all make the overall experience authentic and a blast. I could keep going on but I can't. Great map you two.
  12. Blep1337

    Blep1337 Ancient
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    looks good =D
  13. its james

    its james Ancient
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    this map looks good from the pics, Ihope the game play is good!
  14. Saint E1m0

    Saint E1m0 Ancient
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    Very nice, very original, excellent gameplay (to me anyways, friends didn't like it).
  15. Wolverine

    Wolverine Ancient
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    Wow my dream amp in map form :) I love it it has nice interlocking and smooth gameplay. It is great for shotty snipers even though its foundry. It's very competitive too. Team king is fun too. Overall i love the gameplay and nothing wrong. 5/5
  16. random hewo

    random hewo Ancient
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    I think that this map deserves a bottle of WIN !
  17. i can forge

    i can forge Ancient
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    yo this map is sick, the asthetics are great and the entire quality of the map overall is great. keep forgeing your very good at
  18. Detchro

    Detchro Ancient
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    It takes a lot to convince me to download something. This has earned my download.

    Awsome job.
  19. Laurent

    Laurent Ancient
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    I played matches of slayer with my friends on this map and we had a great time :D

    You did a good job mate ^_^
    inerlocking was great but the only thing i disliked was maybe the layout on the right side of the level when it flows into the open area.

    other than that i give it a 4/5

    keep making em :D
  20. XtrevolockX

    XtrevolockX Ancient
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    I seem to like it a bit, but I would like to see some more Geomerging

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