FOR OPTIMAL PLAYING EXPERIENCE, USE SMG OR AR STARTS. BR STARTS WRECKS THE GAMEPLAY AND MAKES THE SPAWNS IFFY. ADDITIONALLY, PLEASE TRY IT WITH THE RECOMMENDED GAME VARIENTS. THERE IS CLEAR REASON WHY SOME ARENT THERE. Boasting a fresh new layout coupled with uncanny flow, Redeemer makes excellent use of the forging canvas that is Foundry. So what does Redeemer bring to the table that makes it 'ever so special'? Not only does it offer unique geometry and imposing height to the structures it showcases extremely balanced gameplay. With an inspiring layout, similar to that of which a default map offers, Redeemer also hosts a stable equally weighted weapon set. Do not confuse yourself with openness and breathing room, though there is plenty of room for one to dance around, there's an abundance of tight corners and corridors for one to seek refuge. Combining a revitalising layout and riveting gameplay, Redeemer is one map definately worth checking out. Redeemer is set up for all gametypes. Here are our favorites: Team Slayer Team Shotty Snipers Team King of The Hill Assault Extermination [click here to download] PLEASE NOTE: CAPTURE THE FLAG ISNT ON THE LIST. TRY SMG STARTS FOR BEST EXPERIENCE. BR STARTS DO NOT WORK WELL. 4 Assault Rifles | 30 seconds 6 Battle Rifles | 30 seconds 2 Covenant Carbines | 60 seconds 2 Sniper Rifle | 120 seconds 4 Spikers | 30 seconds 1 Needler | 90 seconds 2 Plasma Pistols | 30 seconds 6 Plasma Rifles | 30 seconds 1 Rocket Launcher | 180 seconds 2 Shotguns | 180 seconds 6 SMGs | 30 seconds 10 Plasma Grenades | 10 seconds 1 Bubble Shield | 60 seconds 2 Power Drain | 150 seconds Active Camo | 150 seconds Ghost | 120 seconds Red side base. Yellow Side Sniper Spawn. Rocket Spawn/High Bridge | Bubble Shield Spawn/Low Bridge Red Side back corner. The C. Chuck Memorial ACTION SHOTS The Rocket Launcher is difficult to get, but is quite useful. Sniper crossfire can be a dangerous thing. A Bubble Shield can save your life, no matter your location. A violent game of King of the Hill. Creep1ng De4th taking back what is rightfully his. STRATEGY TIPS If you are being attacked, it is possible to jump/crouch through the front of the bunkers for a quicker escape. The lifts don't do all the work for you. Try to guide your player where you want to land. It is possible to get onto the rocket bridge from the lifts, but the right angle and a last minute crouch are required. Try the map out by yourself to get used to the lifts and how they work before you jump into battle. If the Ghost is becoming a large problem, do not forget about the power drains, rockets, grenades or plasma pistols. Sticking together as a group will land you better results for living. The most valuable weapon on the map is the sniper. If your team has it, make sure it's in the right hands. If an enemy is hiding in their back hallway, you can coordinate an attack: have one player with a power drain go in the other side of the back hall while the rest of the team makes its way to the enemy's side. The player can then throw the power drain through the center while the rest of the team storms in to finish them off. Stay on high ground as much as possible. Do not just run around in the open areas shooting wildly. JOHN'S THOUGHTS I started this in September with nothing more than the central design known as the C. Chuck Memorial. When I saw the work Alex did on Remedy, I knew I had to work with him. What better map to work on then? Through the past few months, we've spent alot of time designing the perfect layout for a balance between combat and vehicle. The map looks as nice as I'd imagined, and it plays very closely to how I dreamed. Thank you to Alex and everyone else involved in testing and tweaking this map to be everything I wanted it to be. ALEX'S THOUGHTS It was more a matter of "when's this going down" as me and John had teased with the idea of a collab for several, several months prior to Redeemer's release. I was eager from the get-go, though after seeing ,what was later dubbed, the C. Chuck Memorial, I couldn't wait to get my hands on it. There seemed to be an abundance of bad timing throughout my turns. Around the time the time I first 'nabbed it, I was heading towards exams, obviously I had little time to forge. The design process was great. Each structure was inspired by the both of us. Certain structures were my idea, with his design and my build or vise versa. I was a little disappointed I missed out on the initial tests. Either way, I truly enjoyed working wth John. I look forward our next one ; ) THANKS TO Chrstphrbrnnn, Creep1ng De4th and all of our testers who tested the living crap out of this map. Rusty Eagle for the helpful suggestions on bettering the map. BL00DF1R3 for busting his ass to produce our video in like an hour. CorduroyCHUCK for coming out of Halo Retirement for this map. Krazy2Dope for endlessly running around on it with us unfinished. Lastly, everyone who downloads this, enjoys it and supports our efforts.
Well silence, you know how much I love this god damn map, you guys did an amazing job, it honestly has recreated a halo2 feel. I love the sheer epicness of the gameplay, that improves time after time of playing. I only wish you guys hadda got this out in time for BoF. Expect an epic review tomorrow when I'm not on the way to bed REVIEW: Okay so I just want to start by saying I have a ton of experience with this map, and it's well worth the download. I'll will be providing no numbers, as they are bullshit. Aesthetics: Let me start by saying: Don't expect to download this map and see some ungodly center structure that consumed half the objects on foundry and provides nothing to gameplay. Nope, not here. This map is beautiful, cleancut, and supremely forged, but there is no wow aesthetics. So if you plan on downloading and staring at it, looking for a mind****, your wasting your time. Now it's not to say this is in any way a huge negative. In fact it isn't by any stretch of the imagination. Silence and linu did exactly what a mapmaker should do: build a map to be played. The aesthetics in this map are composed of the expert forging, the amazing merges linu has done, and the feel of the map. This map feels like a map. Ever piece of forgery has a purpose. There is no pointless scenery, no random spaces between random objects. Everything item placed is ther for a reason. So awesome aesthetics? Hell yeah, one of the very few maps that actually managed to create a real map feel. Layout: Perfect. Balanced perfectly. Every single area is used, every single item run upon, cover is perfectly placed, sightlines are blocked and opened where need be. The mastery that is redeemers simple, yet complex structure is incomprehensible to even silence and linu. Meaning, I'm not even sure they meant to achieve what they did. Areas flow smoothly between each other. Height changes feel natural, not at all forced. There is a perfect balance between jumps and ramps. Bases are defendable, yet easily overtaken with skill and planning. Areas feel separate enough from each other, yet not blocked off and home to camping. There are multiple points of control, so you have multiple options in slayer and king. The layout of this map is honestly what sells it. Weapons: A fairly well structured weapon setup, reminiscent of one map known as the pit. Missing is the sword, and the layout of said weapons isn't a replica of the pit, so don't worry it would feel stale, there couldn't be a better setup. Long range the cup of tea you feel like playing? Snag a sniper, a br, and head up to the back wall to hold your position. Feel like mixing it up in the middle? A host of duals, combined with a few shotguns means this will be a successful task. For those adventurous creeping deaths, the ghost is available. All styles of play mix, and compete on the battle fields of Redeemer. No one will feel as though they don't belong. Gametypes: An interesting array of gametypes happen to be the favorite of Redeemer. There of course is the standard Team Slayer, though not so standard it may be. Starting with an smg is a definite recommendation to experience the true beauty of Redeemer's gameplay. The SMG start balances a mix between long range, and close combat, thus you truly experience every inch of the map itself. Along side slayer, King is a piece of beauty. Hills perfectly balanced and sectored amongst the map. Easily controlled from within or afar. The most interesting gametype however is Shotty snipers. Never has map balanced the shotgun and the sniper so perfectly. Overall: Redeemer is an amazing forge between thesilencebroken and Linubidix. Wondrous forging, and superb gameplay mixes to create one of the most realistic custom created maps to this point. Competitive custom games are at a loss without Redeemer on the line up, making it a definitely download.
This makes me sadfaic... I didn't get to test this and now I'll probably never get to play it... I'm downloading it so I can admire the great map I saw from the beginning in Forge mode.
OooOoOooo, looks nice. Good job taking gameplay over aesthetics. I will try as hard as possible to get a whole bunch of games on it once I re-acquire my bocks. happyfaic
CONKER'S REPORT ON REDEEMER Created by Linubidix and TheSilenceBroken I decided to make this post on your map extra special, and did a little extra special thing that I have never done before! I found no flaws in the map or it's gameplay and think that this map is absolutely perfect except for a few bumps here and there. But other then that things are awesome! Remember guys, this isn't an official review! This is just me being me. Layout Once I loaded the map a second time after a first time failed attempt. I was astonished by the look of the map. Thinking it was asymmetrical, I began to explore. First I went off to the middle with the ghost and the gravity lifts and really liked how it actually took skill to get to the rocket launcher. The blue glow under the ghost was beautiful, however when I looked at the back room of the left side. I began to notice the way you brought back the amazing geomerges from Remedy. Then I looked at the other back room, I was confused. I wondered to myself how you could have possibly made all this with the few materials Bungie supplied us with. From there I knew it was symmetrical. From the large gaping structures reaching farther then the eye can see, to the amazing symmetry. This map has an amazing and very unique layout. Weapons/Equipment The weapon choice is amazing and the fact that you made the rocket launcher the most hard to reach weapon on the map is different then most maps whom just place it against a wall in the middle somewhere. A map that you have to practice on to get good at it only comes around once in awhile and this is one of those maps. Although I haven't mastered it yet, I have a feeling that jump to the rocket launcher will get easier over time for me. I didn't see any weapon on one side of the map that wasn't in the same spot on the other side. No team is more powerful then the next and I respect the weapon layout for that. Great job in this part! Aesthetics/Forging Every geomerged box is as even as the one next to it. Every aesthetic touch is the same on one side as the other. The bunkers in the back are well forged and remind me of the geomerging on Remedy. The wall seperating the back room alley from the back room blends in well with the scenery and I hadn't noticed it untill I went around the back way. The aesthetics in this map aren't just stuck in there just to be there. They are meant to be on the map. Gameplay Although I haven't played the map with a full party yet, the map was very fun to play capture the flag on by myself. The gameplay is fair, and I respect that. Each team gets the same advantages and disadvantages that the opposing team gets because this is a symmetrical map and all symmetrical maps should be like that. There should be no box, no weapon on one side that isn't on the other. I have waited a long time for this map, and assume this means you took extra care of it. I have not come upon any spawn issues but hope to report back if I ever get a part together. Overall You and TheSilenceBroken spent a lot of time on this map along with your testers and I can tell that just from the pictures and when I played the map itself. I know for sure that this deserves a feature nao, but will it? Although I expected more from you with this post and all because of your Remedy post. The banners on that thing and the layout of the post was amazing! Although it's not the post that counts, it's the map and the gameplay, and the map and the gameplay rocked my sox! 10/10! Feature NAO! Feature NAO! Feature NAO!
OMG AM I IN HALO HEAVEN?!?!?!?!?! This is possibly one of the best maps i have ever seem. Interlocking and Geo merging is amazing! The C. Chuck memorial looks great also! I can easily tell from the pictures that the gameplay will be great. I will Definately download 5/5 if only this was released in time for Best Of Forge EDIT: Also could you give some info on the gametype Extermination thanks if you do : ]
You have one life per round, 10 rounds. Kill the entire other team to end the round and earn 1 point. Sort of like "Warzone" from Gears of War.
Ha! You would post this with out telling me. >=( Anywho, winly map is winly. The sniper is my fav on this map (as you know) because I can work it like a best (no matter where you place it) and the over-all gameplay rocks. It's one of the best symm maps out there and you two did a outstanding job. --I'll get some more games on it and post a better reply. Just for the hell of it.
You didnt even test the gameplay... and you're giving it a 10/10 with basically no substance. I'll write a review for this sooner or later... But seriously conker, that was a really bogus review on gameplay.
Again, like I said with Remedy, this is so awesome. A great map, looks eye pleasing and it plays beautifully. Great job guys! Can't wait to have this on my hard drive. The merges and interlocks are so smooth, I don't know how people do that. EPIC! Feature NAO!!!
Redeemer Review by I BlacKOu7 I. I really found Redeemer to be very interesting in all aspects of forging. Also, testing the map was a blast, I had fun all the way. Although, I am quite confused seeing that you did not take a full picture of the long series of ramps in the opposite side of both bases and the location of the Active Camo. Sadface you did not include the game where I was there. I'm also surprised that not even an overview picture was there. But I guess that won't matter that much since there is a video. Gameplay Okay, gameplay was really fun. Team Slayer and Shotty Snipers were really the best games for this, in my opinion. I strongly recommend to all you guys to play those gametypes when you download this amazing map. Design/Structures That wall structure in the very first picture of this thread somewhat annoys me because it is hard to shoot them in particular positions, maybe you could have thought of a way to let someone enter that structure from the front instead of entering from the sides. As for the bases, the bunker type structure is pretty cool, but it can be annoying sometimes when people want to throw grenades in there from a far. As for the remaining structures, they amaze me in every way. My personal favorite is the long series of ramps because the gameplay there is so intense, you're never gonna know who is going to win a fight there only until someone dies. Weapons/Equipment/Vehicle I think that the weapon layout is pretty much perfect for this type of map. I have no complaints at all for this category. You decision to use the ghost for Redeemer was a smart one. Not only does that bring exciting battles, but it also gives a big challenge for the other team to take it down. 9.4/10
this is sweet!!!!!!!!!!! i love the way it looks and how it plays very nice interlocking and geomerging you are a great forger! this is very nice tho were do the active camo and the over sheild spawn at?? in the picture i cant see them just saying 4/5 it will probey be 5/5 when i play on it very sweet i willl so D/L
I remember testing this map in one of your earlier testing sessions,and it was great even then. I can't even imagine how perfect it will be now. Thanks for finally posting it.
well that was an amazing post for an amazing map. i guess this is what you guys were talking about when you said your next big project. the interlox and geomergers are sheer awsome sauce but lets talk about soething that really matters in a competitie map; gameplay in the short match of extermenation that i played i noticed two things that i did not like, number1, the fact that i remembered that corderoy chuck retired from halo and number 2 the fact that i got brutally and merclessly owned. some of the geometry looked and felt a little bit off for the gameplay of bang bang bang your dead no spawnz 4 u that is extermanation. the spawns andweapons I thought were really well done and i couldnt find any bumps. well imstarting to repeat myselfand with good reeason,(i just got up) but i can say with full confidence that this is the next feature. 5/5 pinohkio
I've got to say, I loved this layout and overall look of the map the second I spawned. SLiK and I just quit out of Forge the second I got the map from Silence. I am yet to test out a game of Extermination on Redeemer, but from our quicky 1v1, I can kind of give a review with some substance. Redeemer Before anything else, I would like to tell you guys that the teaser picture you posted a while back gave me a totally different impression of the map. I expected it to be small, but it's huge. I love it. Layout: Let's see, I didn't see any problems with the layout of the map except for the grav-lifts which you meant to be difficult to use. The tall pillars made me feel like I was playing Gridlocked in a way. Anyway, I'll get a 4v4 later and check out the routes and stuff. Incomplete Aesthetics: This map is oh so prettiful. I really enjoyed looking at this map the entire game and didn't get bored of it. The fence wall/ shielf door combo was perfect and kind of gave a covenantish style to the map appearance. The lifts were actually one of my favorite things to look at and I did stare at it during the game until SLiK sniped me. Gameplay (from our 1v1 lol): Gameplay was weird, but it was really fun because one person (usually Slik) would camp with the sniper on the back rocket spawn area and try to snipe me, but I kept assasinating him. I'll update this section once I get a game of 4v4 later today with the Extermination gametype so this section is incomplete. Weapons and power-ups: My only concern about the weapons and power ups on Redeemer are the rocket launcher and the camo. They spawn right above and below each other, so players could grab rockets and drop down to camo. The sniper spawns are great; the merged walls are clean on the ramp. Overall: Congrats you guys, I'm really excited to be able to try the map out for a 4v4 and fix my review. I can't give a score for the map yet, but I'll be back later.
There are so many redeeming qualities about this map (see what I did thar!?!?) that I could take an hour listing them all. But I am lazy so I will do a cliffnotes version. First I will start with my favorite thing on the map, the Ghost. Many people didn't even bother using this wonderful machine, but I used it whenever possible. Why? Because even in a skilled drivers hands it's still not overpowering. You can get away with a few kills and some nice distraction of the other team for a while, but eventually somebody will stick you/rocket you/jack you/disable you. The alley ways are wide enough for evasive movement as long as you know the layout and know where to go, but at the same time the design of the map allows players on foot to gain high ground on the Ghost and surprise the driver with a jack or a rocket. Multi Flag was actually a lot more enjoyable than I expected. Teams spawning in the default bases and having to crisscross the map to and from has never really been done before and if it has it hasn't been done this well I am sure. It was frantic and tough, but not as annoying as you would think it would be. Shotty Snipers is a blast, as long as you aren't facing Vorpal. The lines of sight are nice and the map still offers ways to sneak up on a player and plant a shotgun full of bullets in someones face. I am a mediocre sniper so I never got the chance to feel like I was doing good, but nonetheless, it was still enjoyable. The weapon selection is nice. A few times I wished I had a longer ranged weapon since this map has some long site lines. Maybe 1 more Carbine per side would do it, but it's also my personal taste since I enjoy Carbines and Br's and typically put a lot on my maps. Overall I give this map a 9.232456546/10. It's not as intricate as some of you guys' other maps, but it's simple design and layout work extremely well. I am a fan of simpler setups because the usually prove to be more enjoyable since call outs are easier and not having to think about where you are is a plus. Good work John and Alex, you guys have a keeper.
Everything looks great. I like the bunkers, and the way you did the ghost spawn to glow. Everything looks pretty orignal. Perfect geomerging. And interlocking is great. Great gun place ments too. I'mm Dl ing and going to haz test. Good job, 5/5