Red vs Blue - Reconstruction Chapter 1

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Reynbow, May 31, 2008.

  1. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    I don't know why this hasn't been posted here yet, but the first chapter of RVB's new series is out now. Unfortunately i can't embed it but just go to the link to watch it =]

    Very professional look to it o_O
    Unlike any machinima I have ever seen before.
    #1 Reynbow, May 31, 2008
    Last edited: May 31, 2008
  2. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Yea its been posted ,and watched lol.But this machinima brings a whole new feel to halo.I love love love love how they made valhalla look like a battle field.The over voices are extradinary.This whole new season is going to be great.

    Edit:reyn your sig is to wide hurry up and change it before you get infractionz like i did so many times.
  3. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    Has it? Oh well lol.
    Yeah they used excellent CG video editing to make it look HUGE. And the marine waving in the background... This is going to be great.
    I was slightly confused though, at the end was that guy Church? And he mentioned Tex as well? o_O
    I thought it was going to be completely different, though I like it not being completely new characters =]
  4. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    I think it looks awesome I love the scene with all the tanks n' stuff.

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