I don't know why this hasn't been posted here yet, but the first chapter of RVB's new series is out now. Unfortunately i can't embed it but just go to the link to watch it =] http://rvb.roosterteeth.com/archive/episode.php?id=280 Very professional look to it Unlike any machinima I have ever seen before.
Yea its been posted ,and watched lol.But this machinima brings a whole new feel to halo.I love love love love how they made valhalla look like a battle field.The over voices are extradinary.This whole new season is going to be great. Edit:reyn your sig is to wide hurry up and change it before you get infractionz like i did so many times.
Has it? Oh well lol. Yeah they used excellent CG video editing to make it look HUGE. And the marine waving in the background... This is going to be great. I was slightly confused though, at the end was that guy Church? And he mentioned Tex as well? I thought it was going to be completely different, though I like it not being completely new characters =]