Cops and Robbers Prison Red vs. Blue style. The story is that Griff is being held in prison by Sarge. The hallway in front of his cell is rigged with the Griff Cannon from the episode D.I.Y. It launches 3 different objects, two different types of blocks and a golf ball, in 10 second intervals, and any pirsoners in the hallway will die if they are near it. The cop is invinsible from any attacks except assasination. Next to that cells, there are showers. Across from the cells, you can visit Sheila. Sheila can't (usually) kill anyone with the guns on it, but be careful anyways. From there, you can go upstairs to the Bathroom Doors, where you can "open" it and go into the Bathrooms. There is a boys and girls bathroom, but the boys is the only one functional, as the prison was made only for Grif, who is a boy, no matter how much Sarge thinks he isn't. The stairs either lead up or down, up going to the cafeteria, which serves lunchables in the form of weapons. Downstairs, there is a Basketball Court, including a Red side and a Blue side. The hallway next to Basketball Court leads to the door out, but WAIT! There is a killball outside! To leave the prison: 1. Remove the blocks using the gravity lift. They will stick to the top of a shaft built to hold them. 2. Get the bubble shield and throw it near the next bubble shield inside the bubble shield. 3. Throw the next bubble shield and just walk forward. 4. If you've done it right, you should walk straight out. If you didn't, then you died. The point of making it dangerous is that you will think twice about leaving the Prison. My Gametype: The "Grifs" have normal shields and normal damage. Grifs do not have a motion tracker. They spawn with Plasma Pistols and Magnums. The "Sarges" have 2000% damage resistance and deal normal damage. Sarges have a 10m motion tracker. They spawn with Shotguns and Magnums. The last man standing activates Active Camoflauge, can run 110%, and can only be seen when Sarges are within 10m, or with really sharp eyes. The Custom Power-up gives any player 2000% damage resistance, 150% speed, 75% gravity, 25m Motion Tracker, and Instant Kill. Sarges can now pick up equipment, so that they can escape the prison if needed. Download Red vs. Blue Prison (Map) Red vs. Blue C&R (Gametype) Screenshots: Overview of the entire prison Grif Spawn, Prison Cells. The Grif Cannon in action. Showers It's SHEILA!!!! Girl's Bathroom Door Boys Bathroom Door Girl's Bathroom (Which is empty...) Boys Bathroom Cafeteria Basketball Court Opening the door Going into the Killball, using the bubble shield. Enjoy this fully merged map. Also, I plan on making another Grif Journal like my original version of the map, which is available here: Red vs. Blue Prison. I'll start working on it if the map becomes more popular.
right, ill give you↲Pros: new twist on a prison↲Cons: to old and boring. Messy in a few places,, read forging 201, and i hope your next map is good
Well, it plays pretty well most of the time. I do know that it became messy in a few places, I ran out of money in the end...very annoying. Well, I'm thinking about making a new version of this map, I'd still been getting used Sandbox when I started this map. The gametype IS old, yet the twists I put into the Red vs. Blue versions have made it much more fun. If you want to see a better one, go check out my first one, I still like it more than this one, but I do like some of the new stuff I did do in this one compared to my old one.