I wish that was me and not the guys i was playing Red vs Blue? :http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/screenshot_viewer_popup.aspx?fs=true&ssid=31406828
Um what? You can not use screenshots from BNet, here. Save them to your computer then upload to a file hosting site such as Photobucket.com Also what's with the name of the topic, Recon Debate? Why?
that looks pretty sweet but how did it happen because i have never seen two bungie guys on separate teams?
that is a HUGE coincidence, considering the guy w/o EOB isnt a bungie employee. either that or its in social so even if they are in a party they could have been seperated.
Is that really your pic? Nice! Rey, not in all cases... Maybe he is one, but he doesnt like it, so he doesnt use the special EOD body, that generates the FireHead. I don't see why he wouldn't use it though... The Recon body is pretty cool too though...Maybe that's why...Can't have both at the same time. Maybe that's it. Doesn't explain them being on separate teams... Weird.. --- Edit: I just looked at the game stats. 2 Recon guys on your team, 1 Recon Guy on the Red Team. My gues: They got split up in the lobby, but decided to have fun, so...