really? you guys all liked this game? i thought it was horrible nothing like the previous games it was clunky and the controls were really poor the destruction thing gets really gimmicky
I'm not sure what you mean by gimmicky. Anyway, played it for about two hours, and it is everything I expected and more. Things have definitely been improved since the SP demo, and it's incredibly fun to just run around the lively open world.
RFG's destruction is far from being a gimmick. It plays a major role in a lot of the MP, almost the whole sp, and they even having a mode based JUST on destruction. I have been playing this game for the past few hours, and it just gets better as you go on. Also, i actually really like the controls.
Agreed. I loved the MP demo, and the full MP is even better, plus the SP is really fun and much longer than most games' 6-hour-one-play-through timeframe.
Another nice feature of the Single Player is the fact that once you destroy a building, it's gone. During that campaign, that building will never be rebuilt. Sure, there are times when it will rebuild something that is crucial to a story mission, but 95% of things will stay demolished once you bring it down. This gives your destruction a meaning. You might regret blowing up that bridge earlier, once you're making an escape from a nearby EDF compound. Your destruction has meaning.
Clunky controls my brown ass, I used Alt 1 in the MP demo and it is great. I especially love the weapon switching. And it is nothing like the first 2, this is on a new generation. And if RFG didn't use it's destruction and made great uses for it, what will?
I've completed SP and done a fair amount of MP and I've gotta say this game is insane. Alt 1 controls are just so good - I very rarely find awkward movements. I love the destruction. I don't think it's gimmicky and it would have been a shame if they had the destruction and it was never used. It's got a few kinks (like house arrest missions never disappearing and some MP annoyances), but once they're worked out this will secure its place as my favourite game
Yes alt 1 does make the game that much enjoyable, the aiming is too clunky with default when zooming in.